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We estimate a dynamic structural life-cycle model of employment, non-employment and retirement that includes endogenous accumulation of human capital and intertemporal non- separabilities in preferences. Additionally, the model accounts for the effect of the tax and transfer system on work...
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In this paper we develop a structural model of female employment and fertility which accounts for intertemporal feedback effects between the two outcomes. We identify the effect of financial incentives on the employment and fertility decision by exploiting variation in the tax and transfer...
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public pension system. We calculate that, in the case of Germany, the fiscal consequences of the 6.4 year increase in age 65 …
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We empirically analyze the heterogeneous welfare effects of unemployment insurance and social assistance. We estimate a structural life-cycle model of singles' and married couples' labor supply and savings decisions. The model includes heterogeneity by age, education, wealth, sex and household...
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We analyze empirically the optimal design of social insurance and assistance programs when families obtain insurance by making labor supply choices for both spouses. For this purpose, we specify a structural life-cycle model of the labor supply and savings decisions of singles and married...
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In this paper we use a dynamic structural life-cycle model to analyze the employment, fiscal and welfare effects induced by unemployment insurance. The model features a detailed specification of the tax and transfer system, including unemployment insurance benefits which depend on an...
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is generally assumed to be small or non-existent. We exploit a pension reform in Germany that raised pension bene- fits …
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the consequences of individual financial incentive changes caused by a pension reform in Germany on employment …
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Germany and including all certified diagnoses by practitioners. This enables us to gain a detailed understanding of the multi …
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representative longitudinal study of all refugees reported on administrative records in Germany - and analyse which determinants and …
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