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bond's yields, although Germany's rating status was never touched by CRA. There is no evidence for Granger causality from …
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This paper examines whether the Big Three credit rating agencies actually played as active a role in the Euro Crisis as previously asserted. On the basis of panel data methods for a set of 11 EMU countries, the analysis reveals significant evidence for an arbitrary markup on the GIPS group of...
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-2% for Germany. The ECB's interventions designed to reduce the risk of a breakup successfully did so for Italy, but … increased it for France and Germany. …
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impact of the VAT reduction in conjunction with the lockdowns in 2020-2021 in Germany. We use nonlinear solution techniques …
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Through an intertemporal budget constraint, jurisdictions may gain advantages in tax and spending competition by 'competing' on debt. While the existing spatial econometric literature focuses on tax and spending competition, very little is known about spatial interaction via public debt. This...
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Die Konsolidierung der Staatsfinanzen nach der gegenwärtigen Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise wird eines der zentralen wirtschaftspolitischen Themen der nächsten Jahre sein: Die Regelungen zur "Schuldenbremse" sehen für den Bundeshaushalt bis 2016 einen annähernd ausgeglichenen Haushalt vor, und...
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Through an intertemporal budget constraint, jurisdictions may gain advantages in tax and spending competition by 'competing' on debt. While the existing spatial econometric literature focuses on tax and spending competition, very little is known about spatial interaction via public debt. This...
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We estimate the dynamic effects of government spending shocks, using time-varying volatility in US data modeled through a Markov switching process. We find that the average government spending multiplier is significantly and persistently above one, driven by a crowding-in of private consumption...
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CO2-Abgaben bergen die Gefahr, einkommensschwächere Haushalte überdurchschnittlich zu belasten. Zur Abwehr solcher regressiven Verteilungswirkungen wird erwogen, einen Teil der Einnahmen durch einen Pro-Kopf-Bonus an die Bürger*innen zurückzugeben. Der vorliegende Beitrag entwickelt einen...
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I build a model where creditworthy countries may use fiscal austerity to communicate their ability to repay sovereign debt and show that the signaling channel is active only for high levels of asymmetric information. The model generates a negative association between the amount of public...
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