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This paper deals with the question of selectivity of missing data on income questions in large panel surveys due to …-section surveys, the imputation of missing values in panel data can profit from longitudinal information which is available for the … inequality measures based only on truly observed information to those derived from all (i.e., observed and imputed) observations …
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We analyze the top tail of the wealth distribution in Germany, France, and Spain based on the first and second wave of the Household Finance and Consumption Survey (HFCS). Since top wealth is likely to be underrepresented in household surveys, we integrate big fortunes from rich lists, estimate...
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To measure income inequality with right censored (topcoded) data, we propose multiple imputation for censored … Population Survey (CPS) internal data, we find few statistically significant differences in income inequality for pairs of years … about inequality differences. Multiply-imputed public use data provide an intermediate solution. -- Income inequality …
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results for Greece are ambiguous since the data do not show clear concentration patterns. …
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personal income tax returns, household survey data, and national accounts. Inequality rose from the 1990s to the late 2000s due …
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We propose a framework for comparing the relationship between poverty and personal characteristics across countries (or across years), and use it to compare levels and patterns of relative poverty in the USA, Great Britain and Germany during the 1990s. The higher aggregate poverty rates in the...
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household surveys, we conduct a cross-national comparative study based on micro-data from the British Household Panel Study …
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This study provides the first absolute income mobility estimates for postwar Germany. Using various micro data sources … through 1988. This trend is robust across different ages, family sizes, measurement methods, copulas, and data sources. Across … higher income inequality contributed similarly to these trends. …
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In view of rising concerns over increasing inequality in the European Union since the financial crisis, this study … provides an inequality decomposition of the overall European income distribution by country. The EU Statistics on Income and … Living Conditions are our empirical basis. Inequality has risen moderately within the core Euro area, particularly in the …
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earnings auto-covariances into a permanent and a transitory component. We employ data on complete earnings life cycles forprime …
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