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We consider the problem of estimating quantile regression coefficients in errors-in-variables models. When the error variables for both the response and the manifest variables have a joint distribution that is spherically symmetric but otherwise unknown, the regression quantile estimates based...
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The problem of estimation of the finite dimensional parameter in a partial linear model is considered. We derive upper and lower bounds for the second minimax order risk and show that the second order minimax estimator is a penalized maximum likelihood estimator. It is well known that the...
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Optimal bandwidths for local polynomial regression usually involve functionals of the derivatives of the unknown regression function. In the multivariate case, estimates of these functionals are not readily available, primarily because estimating multivariate derivatives is complicated. In this...
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We consider an additive model with second order interaction terms. It is shown how the components of this model can be estimated using marginal integration, and the asymptotic distribution of the estimators is derived. Moreover, two test statistics for testing the presence of interactions are...
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This methodological paper discusses the application of "adaptive" non-parametric procedures for estimating regression functions or contrasts in situations with quantitative regressands and qualitative regressors. We propose to apply an adaptive regressogram, that is the selection of a...
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This paper discusses a methodology which uses time series cross sectional datafor the estimation of a time dependent regression function depending on explanatory variables and for the prediction of values of the dependent variable. The methodology assumes independent observations and is based on...
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This paper provides a test of convexity of a regression function. This test is based on the least squares splines. The test statistic is shown to be asymptotically of size equal to the nominal level, while diverging to infinity if the convexity is misspecified. Therefore, the test is consistent...
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For over a decade, nonparametric modelling has been successfully applied to study nonlinear structures in financial time series. It is well known that the usual nonparametric models often have less than satisfactory performance when dealing with more than one lag. When the mean has an additive...
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