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This paper provides an empirical analysis on the effectiveness of incentives when pay-offs were changed. Using data on Portuguese first division football matches the effects of the introduction of the so called three-point rule are analyzed applying panel count data techniques.
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Nachdem in Deutschland über viele Jahre die Preise für die Fernsehrechte von populären Spitzensportveranstaltungen (insb. beim Fußball) und ebenso die Einkommen der Sportstars stark angestiegen sind, haben vor allem zwei Ereignisse bei der Brechung dieses Trends eine Rolle gespielt. Zum...
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We study a three-country model of international environmental agreements where countries may choose either to limit their emissions or to behave noncooperatively. First, we provide a taxonomy of various kinds of strategic situations. Then, by applying some recently developed game-theoretic...
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This paper develops a coherent theory of international co-operation relying on the twin assumptions of individual and …
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This paper examines characteristics of cooperative behavior in a repeated, n-person, continuous action generalization of a Prisoner's Dilemma game. When time preferences are heterogeneous and bounded away from one, how "much" cooperation can be achieved by an ongoing group? How does group...
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Linking of repeated games and exchange of concessions in fields of relative strength may lead to more cooperation and to Pareto improvements relative to the situation where each game is played separately. In this paper we formalize these statements, provide some general results concerning the...
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Das Phänomen der Macht ist seit jeher ein Faszinosum. Es scheint im menschlichen Dasein allgegenwärtig zu sein, und es überrascht deshalb nicht, dass die Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema wohl so alt wie die Menschheit selbst ist. Allerdings erweist sich das Machtphänomen aus theoretischer...
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Dieser Artikel entwickelt seine Argumentation in drei Schritten. Im ersten Schritt wird Hannah Arendts These von der Banalität des Bösen und ihre hiermit korrespondierende These von der Radikalität des Guten rekonstruiert. Der zweite Schritt erläutert die wirtschaftsethische These von der...
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Why do money and markets crowd out co-operative relations? This paper characterises the effects of intertemporal preferences, money, and markets on players' ability to co-operate in material-payoff supergames. Players' aversion to intertemporal substitution facilitates co-operation by decreasing...
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This paper models the dynamic process through which a large society may succeed in building up its "social capital" by establishing a stable and dense pattern of interaction among its members. In the model, agents interact according to a collection of infinitely repeated Prisoner's Dilemmas...
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