Showing 1 - 8 of 8
Whereas the number of paid overtime hours declined over the last decade, a different trend can be observed for unpaid overtime work in Germany. We look at the future consequences for overtime workers, and therefore investigate the investment character of working time. We examine whether unpaid...
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The paper examines the trend in public sector – private sector wagedifferentials in the 1980s and 1990s, using a variety of>
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This paper analyzes empirical market utility functions and pricing kernelsderived from the DAX and DAX option data for three market regimes. Aconsistent parametric framework of stochastic volatility is used. All empiricalmarket utility functions show a region of risk proclivity that is...
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Based on a questionnaire survey the paper distinguishes between herdingasset managers who try to be good and non-herding asset managers who try to bebetter than their competitors. It provides evidence for reputational herding anddiscusses herding managers' working effort, preferred sources of...
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The rent-seeking model of Tullock (1980) has stimulated a large literature on rent-seekingcontests, of which Hillman (1989) and Nitzan (1994) provide useful surveys. AlthoughTullock's 'winner take all' model has been adapted and extended in numerous ways, thereremain fundamental modeling issues,...
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In Unternehmungen werden regelmäßig Entscheidungen über IT-Projekte getroffenmit dem Ziel, den Nutzen dieser Investitionen zu maximieren. Vor dem Hintergrund,dass rund zwei Drittel der IT-Projekte den prognostizierten Nutzen nicht erreichen,wird die Notwendigkeit einer ex ante Bewertung von...
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We present the asymptotic properties of double-stage quantile regressionestimators with random regressors, where the first stage is based on quantile regressionswith the same quantile as in the second stage, which ensures robustness of the estimationprocedure. We derive invariance properties...
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Diskrete Copula Modelle bilden die Abh¨angigkeiten zwischen multiplen kategorialenResponses sowie die Einfl¨usse von Kovariablen auf die jeweiligen Responsesab. In einer Simulationsstudie soll das Verhalten von Sch¨atzern diskreter CopulaModelle bei unterschiedlichen Strukturen der...
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