Showing 1 - 10 of 39
Als Teil des operationellen Risikos stellt das Modellrisiko eine wichtige Komponente f¨urdie Risikoermittlung bei Finanzinstitutionen dar. Da letztere z.B. bei der Tarifierung undBepreisung von Derivaten bzw. Portfolien oder bei der Markt- und Kreditrisikoberechnungauf stochastische Modelle...
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This paper proposes a model of urban agglomeration in conjunction withimperfect competition and endogenous product R&D of firms. The qualityof differentiated manufacturing goods is a result of R&D services providedby research firms. Sectoral interactions are subject to spatially...
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This paper gives an overview of different methodologies related to value chain analysis in thecontext of environment and trade research. Four major fields of methodologies are identified:Accounting of input-output flows, general equilibrium models, econometrics, and globalcommodity chain...
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We develop a Wald type test to distinguish between long memory and ESTARnonlinearity by using a directed-Wald statistic to overcome the problem of restricted parametersunder the alternative. The test is derived from two basic model specificationswhere the first is the standard model based on an...
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This paper introduces wealth-dependent time preference into a simplemodel of endogenous growth. The model generates adjustment dynamics in linewith the historical facts on savings and economic growth in Europe from the HighMiddle Ages to today. Along a virtuous cycle of development more wealth...
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This paper presents a new algorithm for the dynamic Multi-Level Ca-pacitated Lot Sizing Problem with Setup Carry-Overs (MLCLSP-L). TheMLCLSP-L is a big-bucket model that allows the production of any num-ber of products within a period, but it incorporates partial sequencing of theproduction...
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Im Referentenentwurf zum BilMoG wird die Untergrenze der Herstellungskosten neu gefasst,in die neben den Einzelkosten nun auch die variablen Gemeinkosten einzubeziehen sind. DerBeitrag klärt zunächst, wie variable Gemeinkosten aus Sicht der Kostenrechnung zu ermittelnsind. Anschließend wird...
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This paper provides evidence on the hypothesis that many behavioral finance patterns are sodeeply rooted in human behavior that they are difficult to overcome by learning. We test thison a target group which has undoubtedly very strong incentives to learn efficient behavior,i.e. fund managers....
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There are robust gender differences in the domains of risk taking, overconfidence and competitionbehavior. However, as expertise tends to level these differences, we ask whether financialexperts still show gender dissimilarities in their domains of decision making? We analyzesurvey responses of...
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This paper presents a linear programming approach to analyze and optimizeow lines with limited buer capacities and stochastic processing times. The basic ideais to solve a huge but simple linear program that models an entire simulation run of amulti-stage production process in discrete time, to...
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