Showing 1 - 10 of 41
We review the economics of superstars, originally developed for stars in traditional media, and discuss whether they are applicable for the (allegedly) novel phenomenon of stars in social media (influencer, micro-celebrities). Moreover, we analyse potentially new factors for creating social...
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The collective sale of football broadcasting rights constitutes a cartel, which, in the European Union, is only allowed if it complies with a number of conditions and obligations, inter alia, partial unbundling and the no-single-buyer rule. These regulations were defined with traditional...
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This paper empirically examines factors influencing box office success of international movies in Russia between 2012 and 2016. It adds to existing research on national movie markets, by highlighting the relevance of differences in culture, institutions, language, and consumption habits for...
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This essay discusses two immanent challenges for competition policy in online e-commerce markets: the platform character and the role of personalized data. Both phenomena are briefly described from an economic perspective (section 2 and 3) with a focus on how they affect and change competition...
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Eine Reihe von Autoren - vor allem im deutschsprachigen - Raum begründet die Notwendigkeit regulatorischer Eingriffe in Profisportmärkte damit, dass der Wettbewerb auf diesen Märkten systematisch versage. Als wesentliche Ursache für Wettbewerbsprobleme innerhalb dieser Ligen oder...
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Smart Fitness bezeichnet die digitale Erfassung individualisierter Fitness- und Lifestyledaten mit Hilfe von Wearables, Smartwatches, Apps und anderen Instrumenten. Die so generierten Daten sind für eine Reihe von Akteure wie Sportartikelhersteller, Pharmaunternehmen, Arbeitgeber sowie...
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Der Beitrag referiert die Grundlagen der Theorie und Empirie der ökonomischen Analyse der Sportnachfrage mit einem Schwerpunkt auf der Zuschauernachfrage. Dabei werden unterschiedliche Einflussfaktoren auf die Zuschauernachfrage identifiziert und vor dem Hintergrund aktueller mikroökonomischer...
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The economic literature on the Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) establishes empirical evidence for culturally-biased voting, more precisely also biases based on geographical closeness, political relations, ethnical and linguistic affinity. The Bundesvision Song Contest (BSC), a similar contest with...
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The world of audiovisual online markets is rapidly changing. Not long ago, it was dominated by linear television, transmitted terrestrially, through cable networks or via satel-lite. Recently, streaming services like Netflix, YouTube, Amazon Prime and others have emerged as new suppliers of...
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Behavioral patterns in media consumption are changing. With the upcoming of video-on-demand platforms, so-called "binge-watching" gained broad awareness. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first economic analysis explicitly on binge-watching. We approach the phenomenon by arguing that it...
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