Showing 1 - 10 of 16
Over the past three decades Germany has repeatedly deregulated the law on temporary agency work by stepwise increasing the maximum period for hiring-out employees and allowing temporary work agencies to conclude fixedterm contracts. These reforms should have had an effect on the employment...
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Using a linked employer-employee data set for Germany, this paper analyses wage setting in a cohort of newly founded and other establishments from 1997 to 2001. While theory provides alternative explanations for higher or lower wages in newly founded firms, we show empirically that start-ups...
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Using a linked employer-employee data set for Germany, this paper analyzes labour fluctuation and wage setting in a cohort of newly founded and other establishments from 1997 to 2001. We show empirically that start-ups tend to have higher labour turnover rates, ceteris paribus. Moreover,...
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Methods for the analysis of linked employer-employee data are not yet available in standard econometrics packages. In this paper, we make the fixed-effects methods developed originally by Abowd, Kramarz, Margolis and others more accessible, where possible, and show how they can be implemented in...
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Bei einer repräsentativen Befragung im Rahmen des IAB-Betriebspanels 2005 gaben 13 Prozent der Betriebe mit Tarifbindung an, dass für sie Öffnungsklauseln im Tarifvertrag bestehen (viele weitere wussten darüber nicht Bescheid). Rund die Hälfte dieser Betriebe hatte davon Gebrauch gemacht....
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In the empirical literature on the estimation of firm and worker heterogeneity using linked employer-employee data, unobserved worker quality appears to be negatively correlated with unobserved firm quality. We investigate the possibility that this is simply caused by standard estimation error...
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Die Auswertung von Personaldaten eines deutschen Unternehmens identifiziert einige Merkmale eines internen Arbeitsmarktes für die Stammbelegschaft von dauerhaft beschäftigten Mitarbeitern. Dazu zählen eine überdurchschnittlich lange und hierarchisch zunehmende Betriebszugehörigkeit sowie...
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Repräsentative Daten des IAB-Betriebspanels für das Jahr 2002 zeigen, dass im privaten Sektor fast die Hälfte der westdeutschen, aber nicht einmal ein Fünftel der ostdeutschen Betriebe mit Tarifbindung über Tarif entlohnen. Das Ausmaß der übertariflichen Entlohnung in diesen Betrieben...
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Methods for the analysis of linked employer-employee data are not yet available in standard econometrics packages. In this paper, we make the fixed-effects methods developed orginally by Abowd, Kramarz, Margolis and others more accessible, where possible, and show how they can be implemented in...
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Using representative linked employer-employee data of the German Federal Employment Agency, this paper analyzes to which extent full-time employees who earned low wages (less than two-thirds of the median wage) in 1998/99 were able to earn higher wages in the following years, and which factors...
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