Showing 1 - 10 of 53
Es werden die Effizienzwirkungen der sogenannten Pendlerpauschale unter verschiedenen Szenarien untersucht. Es wird gezeigt, dass in Abhängigkeit vom Ausmaß, in dem Steuern einbezogen werden, unterschiedliche Entscheidungs-wirkungen, hier bezogen auf die Entscheidung über den Wohnort,...
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I research the consequences of changes in the deductibility of commuting costs in Germany from 2001 to 2006. Official figures provided by the Federal Statistical Office highlight the fact that German taxpayers claimed deductions for commuting allowances to the tune of 23-29 billion e over the...
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Der vorliegende Beitrag schätzt die Bürokratiekosten der Grundsteuerreform 2022 mit Hilfe des Standardkostenmodells der Bundesregierung (SKM) und qualitativer Experteninterviews auf eine Bandbreite von 3,84 Mrd. € und 6,88 Mrd. € (im Mittelwert 5,37 Mrd. €). Dies entspricht 3,48 % und...
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An alternative minimum tax (AMT) is often regarded as desirable. We analyze a wealth tax at corporate and personal level that is designed as an AMT as proposed by the German Green Party. This wealth tax is imputable to profit taxes and is hence intended to prevent multiple (multistage) taxation....
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Tax uncertainty is often claimed to be harmful for investments. Capital taxes, such as property and wealth taxes, are particularly exposed to tax uncertainty. Capital tax un- certainty emerges from expected tax reforms, the unclear outcome of future tax audits, and simplified estimates of...
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Die (Wieder-)Einführung einer Vermögensteuer ist in den vergangenen Jahren erneut in den Fokus der politischen Diskussion gerückt. Der vorliegende Beitrag vermittelt einen Eindruck von den Belastungswirkungen, die aus der Umsetzung von aktuell vorliegenden Besteuerungskonzepten resultieren...
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The growing dissatisfaction with perceived distributional inequality and budgetary constraints gave rise to a discussion on the (re-)introduction of wealth taxes. Wealth taxes are typically levied on private wealth, in some countries also on corporate wealth. To avoid misleading statements...
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Empirical literature on preferences for wealth taxation almost exclusively focuses on either the emotionally loaded estate tax or rather general concepts of redistributive preferences. Yet, it remains unclear whether the exceptional opposition towards the estate tax is applicable to other...
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This note incorporates wealth taxes in a simple asset valuation model based on discounted cash flows. Any valuation method requires an adjustment of pre-tax into post-tax costs of capital. By adopting the adjustment procedure proposed in previous literature, we show that arbitrage opportunities...
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We analyse how tax incentives in the form of accelerated depreciations ("bonus depreciation") affect business investment. By exploiting exogenous variation in tax regulation of a regional bonus depreciation program in the former East Germany, we identify and quantify the impact from bonus...
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