Showing 1 - 10 of 167
conditions suggests a major role for culture in determining living arrangements. …
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innovation in an individualist culture. This cultural effect may offset the negative effects of bad institutions on growth … individualism on growth through innovation. Using genetic data as instruments for culture we provide strong evidence of a causal … collectivism, in line with recent advances in biology and neuro-science. The effect of culture on long-run growth remains very …
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This paper explores the role of culture in determining divorce decisions by examining country of origin differences in … evidence of the effect of culture. Our results are robust to controlling for several home country variables including average …-ethnics. Supplemental analyses indicate that divorce culture has a stronger impact on the divorce decisions of females than of males …
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In this paper I empirically investigate economic and non-economic determinants of migration inflows into fourteen OECD countries by country of origin, between 1980 and 1995. The annual panel data set used makes it possible to exploit both the time-series and cross-country variation in immigrant...
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This study presents an evolutionary process of secularization that integrates a theoretical model, simulations, and an empirical estimation that employs data from 32 countries (included in the International Social Survey Program: Religion II - ISSP, 1998). Following Bisin and Verdier (2000,...
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A large fraction of the variation in wage levels and wage growth rates among individuals remains unexplained. Economists argue that ?unobserved? heterogeneity is among the more likely reasons for this unexplained variation in wages. The source of individual heterogeneity is typically attributed...
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Children's outcomes are strongly correlated with those of their neighbours. The extent to which this is causal is the subject of an extensive literature. An identification problem exists because people with similar characteristics are observed to live in close proximity. Another major difficulty...
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Building upon some education studies finding that cooperative behaviour in class yields better achievements among students, this paper presents a simple model showing that free riding incentives lead to an insufficient degree of cooperation between schoolmates, which in turn decreases the...
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