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The books presents the study undertaken by the ASEAN-India Centre (AIC) at Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS) on India’s cultural links with Southeast Asia, with particular reference to historical and contemporary dimensions. The book traces ancient trade and...
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This is the first theoretical book on Chinese Cultural Soft Power. It focuses on the inner logical relations between Chinese cultural soft power and the realization of the China Dream, while also offering detailed explanations of the scope of and essential questions concerning Chinese cultural...
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in China through admiration of its popular culture, be it in music or literature, as well as its reach into politics and … version of the traditional Chinese culture. However, discussions in the book also reveal the limits of Taiwan’s impact, as the …
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Najjar) -- Chapter 2 Businesses and Organizations for Sustainable Societies- (Karim Seghir) -- Chapter 3 Culture and Business … Businesses in the MENA Region - (Tami Gharfi and Imad Edine Hatimi) -- Chapter 8 Culture and Corporate Social Responsibility …
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Culture and Cultural Evolution -- 6 Co-evolution of Mind and Society -- 7 Epilogue …
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This book explores how the traditional Chinese culture and business ownership influence corporate social responsibility … company practices and the Chinese culture are, and how this relationship affects the business environment in China. Further …Chapter 1 Introduction -- Chapter 2 Corporate Social Responsibility, Culture, and Ownership -- Chapter 3 Business …
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. It argues that there is a missing component in the geography versus institutions debate, namely the role of culture and … supplemented by the work of social scientists in other disciplines on culture and cultural evolution. By examining the direct … effects of geography on standards of living as well as its indirect effects via culture and institutions, a case is made to …
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This book examines the influences of various cultural factors on economic analyses that could be misrepresented by existing economic theories. Most significantly, the book measures the cultural diversity and bilateral similarity indexes of the existing 200 or more countries and regions, and...
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Länderinformationen und wirtschaftlicher Überblick -- Politische und wirtschaftliche Systeme sowie Bildungssysteme im heutigen Frankreich -- Leben und arbeiten in Frankreich -- Kommunikation in der interkulturellen Zusammenarbeit.
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Chapter 1 Culture in Indian Organisations -- Chapter 2 The role of religion on human resource management (HRM … the influence of culture on talent acquisition and relationship with organisational global ambitions in Indian … Culture in Indian Private Hospitals -- Chapter 9 The Changing Face of Indian Organizations -- Chapter 10 Organizations and …
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