Showing 1 - 10 of 109
This paper reviews the economic, monetary and financial relations between the EU and the euro area and a set of countries in a broad set of neighbouring regions. The 80 or so countries are mostly classified as transition, emerging or developing economies and belong to four main regions: the...
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Overall, the paper underlines the difficulties in spelling out the transmission and the final effects of external shocks on the euro area, and highlights the complexity of the various direct and indirect mechanisms. We describe the main channels by which potential spillovers from external...
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This paper reviews selected aspects of economic relations between the EU and Russia, focusing on the impact that the last two waves of EU enlargement have had on Russia, as well as the role of the euro in Russia. The analysis suggests that if EU enlargement has had any diversion effects on trade...
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World trade contracted sharply in late 2008 and early 2009 following the deepening of the financial crisis in September 2008. This paper discusses the main mechanisms behind the global downturn in trade and its impact on euro area exports and competitiveness. It finds that the euro area was hit...
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This paper analyses the integration of China and India into the global economy. To this end, it presents estimates from a gravity model to gauge the overall degree of their trade intensity and the depth of their bilateral trade linkages, as well as selected measures of revealed comparative...
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In den vergangenen 15 Jahren hat Deutschland seine internationalen Handelsverflechtungen nochmals intensiviert. Dabei haben die traditionellen Handelspartner in Westeuropa an Bedeutung verloren, während die Länder Mittel- und Osteuropas sowie China stark an Bedeutung gewonnen haben. Inzwischen...
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Zum wiederholten Mal hat das Bundesverfassungsgericht das Erbschaftsteuergesetz für verfassungs-widrig erklärt. In seinem Urteil vom 17.12.20141 entschied das Gericht, dass die derzeit geltenden Regelungen zur Verschonung betrieblichen Vermögens zu weitreichend sind. Der Gesetzgeber wurde...
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Vermehrte öffentliche Investitionen in Bildung, Infrastruktur und ökologische Erneuerung sind in Deutschland nicht nur dringend erforderlich, sondern können zudem den schwachen privaten Investitionen Antrieb verleihen. Zwar verringert sich der Überschuss der öffentlichen Haushalte durch die...
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Based on Eurostat data the Macroeconomic Policy Institute (IMK) regularly analyses the development of labour costs and unit labour costs in Europe. This report presents labour cost trends in the private sector, disaggregated for private as well as public services and manufacturing industry, for...
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Die stark expansive Geldpolitik der Europäischen Zentralbank zeigt positive Wirkungen. Die Zinsen sind weiter gesunken, die Kreditvergabe erholt sich etwas und der Euro hat abgewertet. Allerdings ist die Inflation weiterhin deutlich zu niedrig und die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung zu schwach, um...
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