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models currently used for macroeconomic analysis exclude money or else model money demand as entirely endogenous …. Nevertheless, academic research and many textbooks continue to use the money multiplier concept in discussions of money. We explore … the institutional structure of the transmission mechanism beginning with open market operations through to money and loans …
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Die Beschlüsse der Europäischen Zentralbank vom 5. Juni 2014 sind zum Teil heftig kritisiert worden. Damit setzt sich die überwiegend negative Bewertung an der Politik der Europäischen Zentralbank fort, die seit langem zu beobachten ist, aber im Widerspruch zur realen Entwicklung steht. Sie...
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A vast literature has emerged using Taylor rules to analyze monetary policy Although very attractive both theoretically and empirically such rules imply a mechanical response by the policy variable to fundamental ones This study looks for empirical evidence of a more sophisticated monetary...
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This paper contains a theoretical and empirical study of sacrifice ratios with long-lived effects including possible strong persistence effects or even hysteresis effects The empirical analysis is based on G-7 quarterly output data as well as unemployment data from 1960 to 1999 In this paper I...
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This paper examines the long-run effects of supply shocks (such as oil shocks) on inflation in the United States. The persistence of supply shocks in U.S. inflation fell considerably during the period of Volcker's disinflation (1979-1982). My empirical results suggest that the difference between...
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This paper demonstrates how the use of revised data distorts our understanding of past monetary policy decisions Three problems are addressed - the use of (i) contemporaneous rather than lagged data (ii) revised rather than unrevised data; and (iii) leads of data unavailable at the time of policy...
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Am 11. und 12. Juni 2013 hat das Bundesverfassungsgericht Experten zur Krisenpolitik der EZB angehört. Dabei ging es um die Frage, ob oder inwieweit die EZB durch das Outright-Monetary-Transactions-Programm (OMT) Kompetenzen beansprucht, die ihr nicht übertragen worden sind. Wir...
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Die Staatsanleihekäufe der EZB sind zu einem Fall für das Bundesverfassungsgericht geworden. Die Autoren des IW Köln argumentieren, dass das Outright-Monetary-Transactions-Programm noch innerhalb der Grenzen des EZB-Mandats liegt, aber wegen seiner Nachteile nur temporär eingesetzt werden...
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Current best practice in central banking views a high level of monetary policy predictability as desirable. A clear distinction, however, has to be made between short-term and longer-term predictability. While short-term predictability can be narrowly defined as the ability of the public to...
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The paper first reviews the main drivers of the growth and real convergence process in central, eastern and south-eastern Europe (CESEE) since 2000 and assesses the key macro-financial strengths and vulnerabilities of the region at the beginning of the global economic and financial crisis. The...
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