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evidence of large heterogeneities among demographic groups. Interestingly, unemployment rates in levels across demographic … groups are not necessarily aligned with the sensitivity of these demographic groups’ (un)employment and participation rates …
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consistent with firms utilising part-time work to adjust their labour force to changing economic conditions. Institutions and …
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unemployment that is in line with this empirical regularity and the findings for the other emerging markets and regional peers. We … European debt crisis. When investigating whether various expenditure components of GDP may cause different unemployment … improve forecasting of unemployment. …
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paper, we present a model with equilibrium unemployment which has three distinctive properties. First, using a search and …, which allows the model to reproduce the fluctuations of unemployment over the business cycle. And third, the model implies a … reasonable elasticity of steady state unemployment with respect to changes in benefits. The calibration of the model implies low …
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This paper investigates the importance of labor market institutions for inflation and unemployment dynamics. Using the … Unemployment Rigidities (UR) and those that cause Real Wage Rigidities (RWR). The two types of institutions have opposite effects … New Keynesian framework we argue that labor market institutions should be divided into those institutions that cause …
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, sector division, unemployment and welfare. …
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-employment to analyze the implications of introducing universal unemployment protection for informal workers through transfers …, which are conditional on participation in training programs. We study how changes in unemployment benefits (UB) for … increasing training UB reduces unprotected unemployment and improves labor market outcomes through higher formal salaried …
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Wages are only mildly cyclical, implying that shocks to labour demand have a larger short-run impact on unemployment …
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, greater average firm productivity, a larger formal employment share, and a marginally lower unemployment rate. …
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paper, we present a model with equilibrium unemployment which has three distinctive properties. First, using a search and …, which allows the model to reproduce the fluctuations of unemployment over the business cycle. And third, the model implies a … reasonable elasticity of steady state unemployment with respect to changes in benefits. The calibration of the model implies low …
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