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This paper studies factors behind inflation dynamics in the euro area, the UK and the US. It introduces a factor … inflation in the three economies. The FAVAR model framework is also applied to study the effects on inflation subcomponents in … the more recent past. The FAVAR models suggest that headline inflation in the three economies has reacted in a relatively …
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-mean autoregressive model can be used to describe characteristic features in inflation series. This implies that we decompose the … inflation process into a slowly moving nonstationary component and dynamic short-run fluctuations around it. An important … quantity to be forecast. This makes it possible to form a single model-based inflation forecast that also incorporates the …
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Over the last two centuries, the coherence between either narrow or broad money growth and inflation at zero has … that the fraction of inflation's long-run variation explained by long-run money growth has been very high and relatively … outbursts associated with World War I and the Great Inflation - but not World War II - whereas following the disinflation of the …
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We use a Bayesian time-varying parameters structural VAR with stochastic volatility for GDP deflator inflation, real … Inflation was due, to a dominant extent, to large demand non-policy shocks, and to a lesser extent - especially in 1973 and 1979 … difference in terms of inflation and output growth outcomes; and (3) mechanically 'bringing the Monetary Policy Committee back in …
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We develop a time-varying transition probabilities Markov Switching model in which inflation is characterised by two … regimes (high and low inflation). Using Bayesian techniques, we apply the model to the euro area, Germany, the US, the UK and … switches between inflation regimes. Thus money growth provides an important early warning indicator for risks to price …
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We address the question of whether the heterogeneity in savings is partly due to differences in pension wealth across individuals and across countries, using a European harmonised wealth survey (HFCS) combined with estimates of pension wealth (OECD). First, we find significant displacement...
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Fertility has long been declining in industrialised countries and the existence of public pension systems is considered as one of the causes. This paper provides detailed evidence based on historical data on the mechanism by which a public pension system depresses fertility. Our theoretical...
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Over the last two centuries, the cross-spectral coherence between either narrow or broad money growth and inflation at … other countries, thus implying that the fraction of inflation’s long-run variation explained by long-run money growth has … correspondence with the inflationary outbursts associated with World War I and the Great Inflation–but not World War II …
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We use a Bayesian time-varying parameters structural VAR with stochastic volatility for GDP deflator inflation, real … Inflation was due, to a dominant extent, to large demand non-policy shocks, and to a lesser extent–especially in 1973 and 1979 … difference in terms of inflation and output growth outcomes; and (3)mechanically ‘bringing the Monetary Policy Committee vback in …
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We develop a time-varying transition probabilities Markov Switching model in which inflation is characterised by two … regimes (high and low inflation). Using Bayesian techniques, we apply the model to the euro area, Germany, the US, the UK and … switches between inflation regimes. Thus money growth provides an important early warning indicator for risks to price …
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