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This paper investigates the effects of monetary policy on firms' investment behaviour. The analysis relies on a …. First, we estimate a reduced-form investment equation derived from the neo-classical model, augmented by cash flow. This …
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This paper analyses the impact of loan market competition on the interest rates applied by euro area banks to loans and deposits during the 1994-2004 period, using a novel measure of competition called the Boone indicator. We find evidence that stronger competition implies significantly lower...
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firms' investment ratio. Changes in user costs are significantly affected by changes in the monetary policy indicator. In … addition, firm specific balance sheet characteristics, such as the lagged cash stock to capital ratio influence the investment …
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We estimate the effect of demand and price uncertainty on firms’ investment decisions from a panel of manufacturing … investment, while price uncertainty is insignificant. This is consistent with the behavior of monopolistic firms with … irreversible capital (Caballero, 1991). Further, firms revise their investment plans very little. They may do so in response to new …
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This paper analyses euro area non-financial corporations (NFC) money demand, both from a macro and a microeconomic point of view. At a macro level, money holdings are modelled as a function of real gross added value, the price level, the long-term interest rate on bank lending to non-financial...
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Embedding the efficient bargaining model into the Hall (1988) approach for estimating price-cost margins shows that both imperfections in the product and labor markets generate a wedge between factor elasticities in the production function and their corresponding shares in revenue. This article...
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investment from 1990 to 1999 through the cost-of-capital and the cash-flow channels. We compare several specifications of neo …
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This paper aims to make two contributions: to review the ECB's non-standard monetary policy measures in response to the financial and sovereign debt crisis against the background of the institutional framework and financial structure of the euro area; and to interpret this response from a...
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The identification of non-standard monetary policy shocks is a key challenge for econometricians, not least as these measures are somewhat unprecedented in modern central banking history and as the instruments vary widely across the various non-standard measures. This paper focuses on the 3-year...
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While many theories of accounts payable and receivable are related to firm performance, there has not been a direct test whether firms actively use them to manage their growth. We argue that it is not just the accounts payable but also the accounts receivable that matter. While the former help...
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