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-founded long-run economic growth model with normalized CES technology and endogenous labor- and capital-augmenting technical change … growth path as well as stable limit cycles via Hopf bifurcations. Both predictions are broadly in line with the empirical …
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We study the impact of numerical expenditure rules on the propensity of governments to deviate from expenditure targets in response to surprises in cyclical conditions. Theoretical considerations suggest that due to political fragmentation in the budgetary process expenditure policy might be...
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This paper investigates fiscal sustainability in an overlapping generations economy with endogenous growth coming from … outlook for economic growth, thereby providing a rationale for fiscal rules ensuring sustainability. Our results show that the … (change in the population growth rate) under different fiscal policy scenarios. …
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This paper studies stabilisation policies in a multi-country currency union of small open economies. It abstracts from … exogenous to the factors studied here. Demand-side shocks hamper monetary union stabilisation unless members face identical … output-inflation tradeoffs and their business cycles are perfectly synchronised. Under supply shocks, welfare implications …
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In this paper we assess to what extent in the existence of a financial crisis, government spending can contribute to mitigate economic downturns in the short run and whether such impact differs in crisis and non crisis times. We use panel analysis for a set of OECD and non-OECD countries for the...
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In a model with costly financial intermediation and financial disturbances, credit subsidies are desirable, irrespective of how they are financed. They are especially useful when the zero lower bound constraint is reached. They are superior to other credit policies such as direct lending
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This paper assesses the prospects for monetary integration between Emerging East Asian (EEA) economies. Our empirical analysis is based on a simple analytical framework for currency unions of small open economies, with a focus on the conduct of monetary policy in the presence of different types...
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The sectoral allocation of labor differs considerably across developed economies, even in the presence of similar patterns of structural change. A general equilibrium model that captures the stylized facts of structural change is presented. In this framework, product market regulations raise...
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This paper presents a two period overlapping generations model with endogenous growth in the presence of a public … growth of the economy. In addition the transitional process towards fiscal targets critically depends on the adjustment tool …
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