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We use a 3-step analysis to assess the sustainability of public finances in the EU27. Firstly, we perform the SURADF specific panel unit root test to investigate the meanreverting behaviour of general government expenditure and revenue ratios. Secondly, we apply the bootstrap panel cointegration...
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We assess the sustainability of public finances in OECD countries, over the period 1970-2010, using unit root and cointegration analysis, both country and panel based, controlling for endogenous breaks. Results notably show: lack of cointegration – absence of sustainability – between...
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In order to obtain a better understanding of the transmission channels for monetary policy, this paper assesses the importance of the interest rate and credit channels on business fixed investment in Germany. Our unbalanced panel of financial statements contains 44,345 firm/year observations for...
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This paper reviews the literature on the finance-growth nexus within a neoclassical growth framework, placing an … Agenda. While more research is needed to establish causality and verify the theoretical channels linking access to finance …
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We develop a horizontal R&D growth model that allows us to investigate the different channels through which financial reforms affect R&D investment and patent activity. First, a "micro" reformthat abolishes barriers to entry in the banking sector produces a straightforward result: a decrease in...
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Using a novel dataset linking firm level data from the Survey on Access to Finance of Enterprises (SAFE) and bank level … report access to finance as the worst problem and decrease their investment. After controlling for country-sector-time fixed … effects that capture cyclical macroeconomic conditions, effects only remain for firms that need finance. Moreover, we find …
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This paper aims at investigating the relationship between firms' profit efficiency, access to finance and innovation … a novel dataset that merges survey-based data derived from the ECB Survey on access to finance for enterprises (SAFE … that easier access to finance is the panacea to get higher profit efficiency …
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We present a DSGE model where firms optimally choose among alternative instruments of external finance. The model is … shift from bank finance to bond finance, at a time when the cost of market debt rose above the cost of bank loans. We show … instruments of debt finance are important to shield the economy from adverse real effects of a financial crisis …
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This paper, developed in the context of the CompNet initiative, delves into the importance of access to financing for the performance of firms in export markets. Using a unique microeconomic database that combines data on Argentine firms' characteristics and export performance with information...
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This paper provides an encompassing description of the various indicators compiled in the financial module of CompNet using balance sheet information of European firms. We investigate whether and to which extent the heterogeneous financial positions of firms have affected firms' investment...
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