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consumption, construction and the banking system. This paper examines links for Germany between household portfolios, income and … consumption in a six-equation system, for 1980-2012 data, for consumption, house prices, consumer credit, housing loans, liquid … find evidence of well specified consumption and house price functions and that Germany differs greatly from the Anglo …
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depending on their age, income and wealth. We use our model to study the impact of changes in credit conditions on house prices …
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This paper assesses the linkages between money, credit, house prices and economic activity in industrialised countries over the last three decades. The analysis is based on a fixed-effects panel VAR estimated using quarterly data for 17 industrialized countries spanning the period 1970-2006. The...
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This paper studies how mortgage borrowers and house prices react to a tightening of mortgage limits following a policy change in Ireland in 2015. The policy introduced limits to the loan-to-income and loan-to-value ratios of new mortgages issued. In response to a tightening borrowing constraint,...
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Based on the households' utility maximisation, a closed form approximation of the consumption function is derived and … the deep parameters of the consumption function are estimated using aggregate euro area data. The novel element in our … lot of information on future income changes, but that also lagged consumption, through habit formation, plays an important …
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stock' model of optimal consumption in the presence of labor income uncertainty and credit constraints. Saving in the model … is affected by the gap between `target' and actual wealth, with the target wealth determined by credit conditions and … saving rate's long-term decline, while fluctuations in net wealth and uncertainty capture the bulk of the business …
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, we find a comparatively stronger housing wealth effect on consumption in Ireland and Spain. We provide new evidence in …
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countries; (iii) housing wealth effects have increased for Asian coutries in recent years; and (iv) consumption reacts stronger …We build a panel of 14 emerging economies to estimate the magnitude of housing, stock market, and money wealth effects … on consumption. Using modern panel data econometric techniques and quarterly data for the period 1990:1-2008:2, we show …
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This paper estimates the wealth effects on consumption in the euro area as a whole. I show that: (i) financial wealth … consumption to wealth is substantially different from the longrun wealth effects. By disaggregating financial wealth into its … effects are relatively large and statistically significant; (ii) housing wealth effects are virtually nil and not significant …
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framework for analysing the household flow of funds jointly with consumption. The consumption function incorporates household … interest rates. In a general equilibrium setting, these all have to be endogenised and since households make consumption and …
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