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The response of US inflation to the high levels of spare capacity during the Great Recession of 2007-09 was rather muted … inflation, and either the closing of this gap or non-linearities in the Phillips curve could lead to a sudden pick-up in … inflation. We revisit these issues by estimating Phillips curves over 1992Q1 to 2015Q1. Our main findings suggest that a Phillips …
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breaks in the performance of most simple Phillips curves. Euro area inflation was particularly hard to forecast in the run … practitioners, we find that: (i) the key type of time variation to consider is an inflation trend; (ii) a simple filter-based output …
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This paper studies factors behind inflation dynamics in the euro area, the UK and the US. It introduces a factor … inflation in the three economies. The FAVAR model framework is also applied to study the effects on inflation subcomponents in … the more recent past. The FAVAR models suggest that headline inflation in the three economies has reacted in a relatively …
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In this paper we report results on inflation persistence using 79 inflation series covering the EU countries, the euro … area and the US for five different inflation variables. The picture that emerges is one of moderate inflation persistence … across the board. In particular we find euro area inflation persistence to be broadly in line with US inflation persistence …
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Great Recession. Inflation, in contrast, has gone quiescent. This paper studies the sources of this disconnect using VARs … and an estimated DSGE model. It finds that the disconnect is due primarily to the muted reaction of inflation to cost … pressures, regardless of how they are measured—a flat aggregate supply curve. A shift in policy towards more forceful inflation …
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relationship between inflation and inflation expectations in the euro area. We use theoretical structures based on the New … stability, a few years where inflation was driven mainly by external shocks, and the financial crisis, where the New Keynesian … expectations on inflation and a resurgence of the 'sacrifice ratio' …
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: lagged expectations about monetary policy influence the current inflation rate through an indexation rule. No structural … inflation persistence is assumed. We show that this model can capture stylized facts about short-run inflation dynamics both in … between the degree of inflation persistence and the stability and transparency of monetary policy. Thereby, our model can …
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employment and hours affecting inflation dynamics via marginal costs. We find that the response of unemployment and inflation to … persistent movements of aggregate inflation. Moreover, the impact of a monetary policy shock on unemployment and inflation …
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Is inflation persistence in the new EU Member States (NMS) comparable to that in the euro area countries? We argue that … show that due to frequent breaks in inflation time series in the NMS, parametric statistical measures assuming a constant …-varying mean leads to the reversal of this result and suggests similar or lower inflation persistence for the NMS compared to euro …
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We examine the global dimension of inflation in 24 OECD countries between 1980 and 2007 in a traditional Phillips curve … to affect inflation through (the common part of) domestic demand and supply conditions. Our most important result is that … the common component of changes in unit labor costs has a notable impact of inflation. We also find evidence that …
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