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This paper studies the impact of cyclical systemic risk on future bank profitability for a large representative panel … risk predict large drops in the average bank-level return on assets (ROA) with a lead time of 3-5 years. Based on quantile … local projections we further show that the negative impact of cyclical systemic risk on the left tail of the future bank …
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This paper addresses the trade-off between additional loss-absorbing capacity and potentially higher bank risk … increase their risk-taking. This increase in risk-taking however, should be more than outweighed by the benefits of higher …
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We exploit the 2007-2009 financial crisis to analyze how risk relates to bank business models. Institutions with higher …. Business models related to significantly reduced bank risk were characterized by a strong deposit base and greater income … risk exposure had less capital, larger size, greater reliance on short-term market funding, and aggressive credit growth …
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eurozone. My results also suggest that these shocks are a plausible source of aggregate risk that could explain business cycle …
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The paper develops a financial systemic stress index (FSSI) for Greece. We present a methodology for constructing and evaluating a systemic stress index which: i) adopts the suggestion of Hollo et al. (2012) [Hollo, Kremer, and Lo Duca (2012) "CISS – A Composite Indicator of Systemic Stress in...
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Systemic Stress (CISS). Its specific statistical design is shaped according to standard definitions of systemic risk. The main …
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bank and auction rates in its open market operations in times of financial market stress. In a theoretical model, it is … found that marginal rates at central bank auctions may increase if the share of troubled banks becomes too high relative to … market operations needed to absorb large stress levels in interbank money markets and hence contain central bank auction …
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the presence of institutional investors affects volatility and liquidity in secondary bank bond markets. We find that non-bank … financial intermediaries, in particular money market funds (MMFs), have a positive impact on secondary bank bond markets …' liquidity conditions, at the cost of significantly increasing volatility of daily returns. The effect translates to more than a …
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domestic currency. This assumption implies merging the commodity risk with the exchange rate risk when oil and stocks are … concept, to assess how could change the stock market response depending on the source of risk that moves oil prices. I apply …-related scenario in euros could generate an opposite impact in the European stock market depending on the source of risk. The source of …
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We show that limited dealer participation in the market, coupled with an informational friction resulting from high frequency trading, can induce demand for liquidity to be upward sloping and strategic complementarities in traders' liquidity consumption decisions traders demand more liquidity...
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