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-time forecasts from a richly-specified DSGE model to those from the Survey of Professional Forecasters, Bayesian VARs and VARs using … priors from a DSGE model. We show that the analyzed DSGE model is relatively successful in forecasting the US economy in the … BVARs and DSGE-VARs. Compared to the SPF, the DSGE model generates better output forecasts at longer horizons, but less …
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Bayesian approaches to the estimation of DSGE models are becoming increasingly popular. Prior knowledge is normally …
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We show how to use a simple perturbation method to solve non-linear rational expectation models. Drawing from the applied mathematics literature we propose a method consisting of series expansions of the non-linear system around a known solution. The variables are represented in terms of their...
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In this paper we review the methodology of forecasting with log-linearised DSGE models using Bayesian methods. We focus … on the estimation of their predictive distributions, with special attention being paid to the mean and the covariance …
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integrate the model into a medium sized DSGE model with capital and show that the resulting model does as well as existing …
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We use a dynamic general equilibrium model featuring a banking sector to assess the interaction between macroprudential policy and monetary policy. We find that in “normal” times (when the economic cycle is driven by supply shocks) macroprudential policy generates only modest benefits for...
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In this paper we set up a New-Keynesian model that features an interbank market. The introduction of an interbank market is important to analyze liquidity problems among heterogenous agents within the financial sector. First, because this allows for a situation where increased liquidity supply...
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) on interest rates and if they should be coordinated internationally. The analysis is carried out using EAGLE, a DSGE …
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We develop and estimate a stylized micro-founded model of the US economy. Next we compute the parameters of a simple interest rate policy rule that maximizes the unconditional mean of utility. We show that such a welfare-based rule lies close to the Taylor efficiency frontier. A counterfactual...
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In view of the increasing use of Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) models in the macroeconomic projections … within DSGE models. Furthermore, it provides historical estimates of potential output/output gaps on the basis of selected … DSGE models developed by the European System of Central Banks' staff. These estimates are compared to the corresponding …
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