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This paper uses a factor-augmented vector autoregressive model (FAVAR) estimated on U.S. data in order to analyze monetary transmission via private sector balance sheets, credit risk spreads and asset markets in an integrated setup and to explore the role of monetary policy in the three...
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' funding structures jointly with that in their excess liquidity holdings. We find evidence that banks highly exposed to the …, importantly, the explicit consideration of the role of excess liquidity in our analysis …
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reliance on retail deposit funding and the level of excess liquidity holdings may increase banks’ responsiveness to NIRP. We … segments. We are the first to document the importance of banks’ excess liquidity holdings for the effectiveness of NIRP …, pointing to a strong complementarity of NIRP with central bank liquidity injections, e.g. via asset purchases …
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We study the transmission of liquidity shocks in a dynamic general equilibrium model where firms and households are … subject to liquidity risk. The provision of liquidity services is undertaken by financial intermediaries that allocate the … stock of liquid asset between the different sectors of the economy. We find that the macroeconomic effects of liquidity …
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This paper quantifies liquidity and credit premia in German and French government bond yields. For this purpose, we …-`a-vis government bonds can be attributed to differences in liquidity premia. Adding the information on risk-free rates, we obtain model …
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This paper studies the effects and the transmission mechanism of unexpected monetary policy shocks in an open economy setting within the context of a VAR frame-work. It considers an economy with two sectors, a tradable sector and a non-tradable sector. For a given country, economic sectors are...
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This paper extends the New Keynesian model to allow for stochastic shifts in the monetary policy regime. Agents cannot observe the regime and use a Bayesian learning rule to make optimal inferences. Price setting is adapted to this environment: lagged expectations about monetary policy influence...
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liquidity constraints as well as different credit and market risk characteristics. The deep parameters of the DSGE model which …
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consume because of two key features: multiple assets with different degrees of liquidity and an idiosyncratic income process …
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This paper studies the effects of money supply shocks in a general equilibrium model that reproduces a term premium of the magnitude observed in the data. In an environment where financial frictions are the main source of monetary non-neutrality, I find that money supply shocks are less...
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