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returns and the equity variance premium. We evaluate a plethora of state-of-the-art volatility forecasting models to produce …
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-varying consumption volatility risk is essential for obtaining the inversion of the real curve and allows to price the average level and …
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We show that the liquidation value of collateral depends on who is pledging it. We employ transaction-level data on overnight repurchase agreements (repo) and loan-level credit registry data on corporate loans. We find that borrowers on the repo market pay a 2.6 basis points rate premium when...
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We study the prices that individual banks pay for liquidity (captured by borrowing rates in repos with the central bank … and benchmarked by the overnight index swap) as a function of market conditions and bank characteristics. These prices …
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We examine international stock return comovements using country-industry and country-style portfolios as the base portfolios. We first establish that parsimonious risk-based factor models capture the covariance structure of the data better than the popular Heston- ouwenhorst (1994) model. We...
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In this paper we examine the quantitative effects of margin regulation on volatility in asset markets. We consider a … of collateral constraints leads to strong excess volatility. Thus, a regulation of margin requirements may have … in the regulation of one class of assets may have only small effects on these assets' return volatility if investors have …
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the opposite direction of transitory pricing errors, both on average and on the highest volatility days. This is done …
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This paper presents a methodology to calculate the Systemic Risk Ranking of financial institutions in the European banking sector using publicly available information. The proposed model makes use of the network structure of financial institutions by including the stock return series of all...
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This paper proposes a framework for deriving early-warning models with optimal out-of-sample forecasting properties and applies it to predicting distress in European banks. The main contributions of the paper are threefold. First, the paper introduces a conceptual framework to guide the process...
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We propose a new approach to measuring the effect of unobservable private information or beliefs on volatility. Using … high-frequency intraday data, we estimate the volatility effect of a well identified shock on the volatility of the stock … that, as the publicly available information becomes stale, volatility effects and its persistence should increase, as the …
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