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The purpose of this paper is to study the compensation for inflation risks priced in sovereign bond yields. And we do … for expected and unexpected inflation shocks embedded in sovereign bond yields; and provides estimates of the real risk …-free rate. We show that nominal sovereign bond yields for Germany, France, Japan and the United States, reflect, over the more …
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In this paper, we study the dynamics and drivers of sovereign bond yields in euro area countries using a factor model … mechanism of bond yields. Our key contribution is exploring both the global and the local dimensions of bond yield determinants … periphery euro area bond yields from the core countries yields following the financial crisis and the scope of their subsequent …
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captures the arbitrage-free dynamics of stock returns and nominal bond yields. The model nests the class of affine term … structure (of interest rates) models. Stock returns and bond yields as well as risk premia are affine functions of the state …
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the euro area and in five major European economies. It also introduces a set of indicators for excess bond premia …, adjusting corporate bond spreads for credit risk of the issuer and the term, coupon and liquidity premia. I find that the … majority of macroeconomic indicators can be better predicted by the excess bond premia compared to non-adjusted indices; the …
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subordinated bond yield spreads over senior unsecured bonds, and links the bond yields developments with the characteristics of the … play a key role in explaining bond spreads. Interestingly, after the introduction of the new bail-in framework, there is a … convergence between the bond yields of the GSIBs and the non-GSIBs, which could point out to a reduction in the market perception …
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We decompose euro area sovereign bond yields into five distinct components: i) expected future short-term risk …) segmentation (convenience) premium. Identification is achieved by considering sovereign bond yields jointly with other rates … implementing bond purchases, the E.U.’s fiscal policy announcements lowered yields more uniformly …
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Using large panel data of public and private firms, this paper dissects the growth of bond financing in the Euro Area … through the lens of the cross-section of issuers. In recent years, the composition of bond issuers has shifted, with the entry …, holdings of ‘buy-and-hold’ bond investors are large in aggregate but small for weaker issuers. Nevertheless, the bond investors …
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-à-vis domestic bonds. This paper studies the effect of this jurisdiction choice on bond prices. We test whether foreign-law bonds …
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We study what makes government bonds a safe asset. Building on a sample of monthly changes in government bond yields in … changes in global risk (VIX). We find that inertia (whether the bond behaved as a safe asset in the past) and good …
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Recent policy discussion includes the introduction of diversification requirements for sovereign bond portfolios of … sovereign bond portfolios of the major European banks. First, we capture the dependence structure of European countries … analysis. We then analyse the risk and diversification in the sovereign bond portfolios of the largest European banks and …
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