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The aim of this paper is to present a further contribution, with panel data, to the analysis of absolute convergence … productivity at regional level. Presenting some empirical evidence of absolute convergence of productivity for each of the economic … empirical evidence of conditional convergence of productivity, for each of the economic sectors of the NUTS II of Portugal, from …
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This paper contributes to the recent literature in spatial econometrics that focuses on space-time data modeling implementing a multi-location time-series statistical framework to analyze a regional system. Therefore, taking as a point of departure the Global Vector Autoregression approach...
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The consideration of spatial effects at a regional level is becoming increasingly frequent and the work of Anselin (1988), among others, has contributed to this. This study analyses, through cross-section estimation methods, the influence of spatial effects in the NUTs III vine and olive crops...
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The consideration of spatial effects at a regional level is becoming increasingly frequent and the work of Anselin (1988), among others, has contributed to this. This study analyses, through cross-section estimation methods, the influence of spatial effects in the NUTs III vine crop of mainland...
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productivity conditional convergence in the economic sectors of NUTs III of mainland Portugal between 1995 and 2002. Taking into … account the estimation results, it is stated once again that the indications of convergence are greater in industry, and it … can be seen that spatial spillover effects, spatial lag and spatial error, do not condition the convergence of …
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conditional product convergence in the parishes’ economies of mainland Portugal between 1991 and 2001 (the last year with data … indications of convergence (the population is in the littoral of Portugal) and it can be seen that spatial spillover effects … spatial autocorrelation through a spatially lagged error term) condition the convergence of product of Portuguese parishes in …
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capital in the conditional productivity convergence in the economic sectors of NUTs III of mainland Portugal between 1995 and … 2002. Taking into account the estimation results, it is stated once again that the indications of convergence are greater … convergence of productivity in the various economic sectors of Portuguese region in the period under consideration. In contrast …
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The aim of this paper is to study the impact of spatial effects on convergence process in Africa over the period 1975 … econometrics, we focus on the geographical dimension of economic convergence of African countries. This allows us to deal with … dynamics. Our results prove the existence of convergence process in Africa through a model with spatially autocorrelated error …
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We conducted a Feldstein-Horioka test for the degree of China's inter-provincial capital mobility each year from 1978 to 2007 using the spatial error model (SEM), a model of spatial econometrics considering spatial dependence, and a data set reflecting revision of historical national and...
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We consider Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) estimation of a regression model with spatially correlated errors. We propose some new moment conditions, and derive the asymptotic distribution of the GMM based on them. The analysis is supported by a small Monte Carlo exercise.
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