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unique pure-strategy Nash equilibrium in rent-seeking games of complete information. In this paper, we generalize their … results to contests with incomplete informa tion. Two assumptions are imposed on the information structure. First, the players …
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Colonel Blotto games with discrete strategy spaces effectively illustrate the intricate nature of multidimensional strategic reasoning. This paper studies the equilibrium set of such games where, in line with prior experimental work, the tie-breaking rule is allowed to be flexible. We begin by...
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In this paper, we study N-player Colonel Blotto games with incomplete information about battlefield valuations. Such …
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We consider a class of incomplete-information Colonel Blotto games in which N ≥ 2 agents are engaged in (N + 1 … battlefield. In contrast to the single-unit case, however, agents never enjoy any information rent. We also outline an extension …
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Firms often discourage certain categories of individuals from buying their products, in contrast with typical assumptions about profit maximization. This paper provides a potential rationale for such firm behavior: consumers seek to signal that they have "good" moral values to themselves and...
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(ERA) is a first-price auction in which truthful bidding is encouraged by bonus payments. We test the robustness property …
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Firms often discourage certain categories of individuals from buying their products, seemingly at odds with typical assumptions about profit maximization. This paper provides a potential rationale for such firm behavior: Consumers seek to signal that they have "desirable" ideological values to...
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Behavioral robustness is essential in mechanism design. Existing papers focus on robustness as captured by dominant strategies. This paper studies the novel concept of externality-robustness, which addresses players' motives to affect other players' monetary payoffs. One example is externalities...
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spite extends to the seller. We experimentally test the model predictions by exogenously varying the presence of human …
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