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In the globalized world economy the crucial issue is locational competition - where internationally competitive firms invest and locate their high value-added production. The policy challenge is to enhance firms' capabilities to create firm-specific competitive advantages linked to certain...
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This paper studies whether family businesses (FBs) differ from non-family businesses (non-FBs) in various dimensions of globalization with a representative sample of businesses in Finnish manufacturing and private services. FBs and non-FBs are not so different when it comes to export and...
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Tässä raportissa tarkastellaan pääkonttorien sijaintia, yritysten kansainvälistymistä sekä verotusta. Etenkin suomalaiset suuryritykset ovat kansainvälistyneet hyvin pitkälle. Tutkimuksen mukaan yritysten tekemiä ulkomaisia investointeja selittävät etenkin kohdemarkkinoiden koko, ja...
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Monet teollisuusmaiden palveluyritykset ovat kansainvälistyneet nopeasti. Viimeisten vuosikymmenten aikana palvelusektorin ulkomaaninvestointien kasvu on ollut nopeampaa kuin teollisuussektorin. Syitä on useita: monet palvelusektorin yritykset ovat seuranneet teollisia asiakasyrityksiään...
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During the last 10 to 15 years the ownership structure of Finnish business has changed in Finland perhaps more profoundly than in any other European country. Since the early 1990s both portfolio investment by foreigners and inward foreign direct investment (FDI) have grown rapidly. Helsinki...
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The report looks at investment activity in Finland by industries and types of investment, and makes international comparisons. Investment rate (fixed investment in relation to GDP) fell in Finland in the early 1990s from an internationally high level to the average West European rate. Among key...
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There is a deep structural transformation going on In the Finnish electrical, electronics and IT services sector. The main reason is a major turning point in ICT due to diminishing production and employment in mobile telecom industry where large amount of high-skill jobs will disappear in the...
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The turnover of the companies in North Savo in 2011 was nearly 10 billion euros, of which industry accounted for just under a third. The industrial structure of the region is not strong, but on the other hand it is not alarmingly thin either, because it does have certain successful niches. North...
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This report studies start-ups and entrepreneurship particularly in services. The report is largely based on a survey targeted to Finnish businesses established in October 2003. The Finnish total entrepreneurial activity is relatively low in international comparison. Furthermore, established...
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Finpro is an expert service organization, partly financed from public funds, providing services for internationalization - market information, consulting and advice, business development, and other related services. It is one of the largest organizations in the Finnish innovation and business...
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