Showing 1 - 10 of 12
Perron (1989, <italic>Econometrica</italic> 57, 1361–1401) introduced unit root tests valid when a break at a known date in the trend function of a time series is present. In particular, they allow a break under both the null and alternative hypotheses and are invariant to the magnitude of the shift in level...
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Saikkonen (1991, <italic>Econometric Theory</italic> 7, 1–21) developed an asymptotic optimality theory for the estimation of cointegrated regressions. He proposed the dynamic ordinary least squares (OLS) estimator obtained by augmenting the static cointegrating regression with leads and lags of the first...
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This paper considers the consistency property of some test statistics based on a time series of data. While the usual consistency criterion is based on keeping the sampling interval fixed, we let the sampling interval take any equispaced path as the sample size increases to infinity. We consider...
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We consider the cumulative sum (CUSUM) of squares test in a linear regression model with general mixing assumptions on the regressors and the errors. We derive its limit distribution and show how it depends on the nature of the error process. We suggest a corrected version that has a limit...
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We consider the least-squares estimator in a strictly stationary first-order autoregression without an estimated intercept. We study its continuous time asymptotic distribution based on an asymptotic framework where the sampling interval converges to zero as the sample size increases. We derive...
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We tabulate the limiting cumulative distribution and probability density functions of the least-squares estimator in a first-order autoregressive regression when the true model is near-integrated in the sense of Phillips. The results are obtained using an exact numerical method which integrates...
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This paper considers the problem of testing for multiple structural changes in the persistence of a univariate time series. We propose sup-Wald tests of the null hypothesis that the process has an autoregressive unit root throughout the sample against the alternative hypothesis that the process...
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