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This article uses models with changes in regime and conditional variance to show the presence of co-movement between the American and the French New Technology indexes, the NASDAQ-100 and the IT.CAC respectively. For the past two years, American and French New Technology stock markets have been...
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NASDAQ- 100 is a major origin for the shocks that the IT.CAC and the NEMAX undergo.We construct a VAR model with GARCH errors …
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relatively time varying correlations with the other indexes and we find a strong GARCH effect in all of the examined series. …
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Smooth Transition GARCH and the Markov-Switching GARCH models. Simulation experiments reveal that information criteria and …
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Estimation of GARCH models can be simplified by augmenting quasi-maximum likelihood (QML) estimation with variance … volatility equation and corresponding value-at-risk predictions. We find that most GARCH coefficients and associated predictions …
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. After showing that the expectation of the sum of the estimates of the autoregressive coefficients of a GARCH(1,1) model is …
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We discuss several multivariate extensions of the Multiplicative Error Model to take into account dynamic interdependence and contemporaneously correlated innovations (vector MEM or vMEM). We suggest copula functions to link Gamma marginals of the innovations, in a specification where past...
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factor models with GARCH dynamics (GARCH(1,1)-M, IGARCH(1,1)-M, Nonlinear Asymmetric GARCH(1,1)-M and Glosten …-Jagannathan-Runkle GARCH(1,1)-M) and three different distributions for the disturbances (Normal, Student's t and Generalized Error Distribution … compared with forecasts based on individual GARCH(1,1)-M models, static factor models, naive, random walk and exponential …
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This paper estimates the drift parameters in the fractional Vasicek model from a continuous record of observations via maximum likelihood (ML). The asymptotic theory for the ML estimates (MLE) is established in the stationary case, the explosive case, and the boundary case for the entire range...
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In cointegration analysis, it is customary to test the hypothesis of unit roots separately for each single time series. In this note, we point out that this procedure may imply large size distortion of the unit root tests if the DGP is a VAR. It is well-known that univariate models implied by a...
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