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En este articulo se analizan la situacion y perspectivas de Brasil como resultado del proceso de globalizacion. Segun el autor, la globalizacion contribuye a desestructurar los sistemas productivos en favor de las empresas que planifican sus inversiones a escala internacional, a concentrar el...
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Recent technological advancements and the digitization of most financial services have transformed the way by which individuals deal with their financial transactions. It has also affected the focus of financial institutions’ investments, as well as the sectors’ market dynamic, with the...
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measure intergenerational educational and occupational mobility in Brazil. The SWTS database contains information on youths …
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to fill this gap for the case of Brazil, the paper revisits household survey data from 1996 to 2015 with propensity score … progress towards gender wage equality in Brazil will emerge spontaneously from the private sector or whether specific policy is …
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The ANPEC exam has been an important instrument for the Brazilian academic economics since the 1970s. Nowadays, practically all graduate program in economics uses it as selection mechanism. This research has tabulated its microdata to produce a picture of what these numbers can reveal about...
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Recent empirical studies argue that traditional trade models ignore product quality, usually leading to bias in price elasticities, which prevents the correct evaluation of trade determinants and the development of trade policies. This article quantifies the effect of quality on Brazilian...
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This paper looks for evidence of learning-by-exporting effects on firms’ average wages and its interaction with human capital level and export destination. This interaction allows us to test the hypothesis that a wage premium for exporting firms should mainly be found in firms employing...
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This paper investigates the existence of asymmetric transmission from industrial costs to prices (IPA/FGV) in Brazil …
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In this article, it is explored whether quota students who were enrolled in presential courses at federal institutions between 2009 and 2012 and received PNAES (National Student Support Program) Bolsa Permanência dropped out less than those quota students who did not receive this benefit. For...
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The paper investigates historical aspects of the formation of the scientific community of economists in Brazil, taking … character of science in general and economics in particular is highlighted. The historical trajectory of economics in Brazil is … in Brazil in 1918 are examined as an example of the working of the pre-scientific economic community in the country …
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