Showing 1 - 10 of 52
This paper assesses the empirical desirability of the East Asian economies to form a monetary union. The Structural Vector Autoregression (VAR) method is employed to assess the nature of macroeconomic disturbances among the East Asian countries, as a preliminary guide in identifying potential...
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This paper utilizes a new contagion test based on case-resampling bootstrap technique to investigate whether there is any contagion effect in the interaction of the US real estate market with those of Australia, Japan and the UK arising out of the recent US real estate crisis or subprime crisis....
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In this article, we introduce a new theoretical international asset pricing model which accounts for partial financial market segmentation. We show that if some investors do not hold all international assets because of implicit and/or explicit segmentation factors, the world market portfolio is...
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This paper attempts to evaluate the time-varying integration of emerging markets from a regional perspective based on a conditional version of the International Capital Asset Pricing Model (ICAPM) with DCC-GARCH parameters that allows for dynamic changes in the degree of market integration,...
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In the wake of the recent currency turmoil, the determinants of financial crises have come to the forefront of academic and policy debates. Applied to the MENA region, the objective of this article is to estimate the likely impact of the dynamics of liberalization on the financial stability. The...
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We investigate the extent by which real estate markets are integrated with the world market. We apply a case-wise bootstrap analysis — a method that is robust to non-normality and increased volatility that characterises financial markets, especially during periods of distress. We also take...
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This study extends Bayoumi and Eichengreen's (1993) empirical methodology in order to give a reappraisal of the core-periphery view of the enlarged euro area. We show how to derive two useful indices from the “correlation box” formed by aggregate demand and supply shocks. One measures the...
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This study investigates the role of financial liberalization in promoting financial deepening and economic growth in Sub-Saharan African countries (SSA). We apply the more efficient system GMM estimator in dynamic panel data that combines first difference and original level specification to deal...
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This study applies the sequential panel selection method (SPSM), proposed by Chortareas and Kapetanios (2009), to assess the non-stationary properties of the real interest rates relative to China for ten East Asian countries. SPSM can classify the whole panel into a group of stationary series...
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We contribute to the finance literature in two main ways. First, we present a theoretical capital asset pricing model (CAPM) to price assets in different market structures. Second, we use our model to analyze whether when markets are partially segmented using the local or the global CAPM yields...
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