Showing 1 - 10 of 55
We present a method of calculating the maximal eigenvalue of an indecomposable nonnegative matrix, which is based on ideas of geometric programming. In addition to that, we obtain estimates for elements of an indecomposable nonnegative matrix by its spectral radius. The results make it possible...
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We prove the existence and efficiency of equilibrium in economies with infinitely many consumers in which there are finitely many agents who own a positive portion of the aggregate endowment. We prove existence for commodity spaces which are employed in the general equilibrium asset pricing...
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This paper studies the core in an oligopoly market with indivisibility. It provides necessary and sufficient conditions for core existence in a general m-buyer n-seller market with indivisibility. When costs are dominated by opportunity costs (i.e., a firm's variable costs are sufficiently...
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For his proof of the existence of a general competitive equilibrium Abraham Wald assumed a strictly pseudomonotone inverse market demand function or, equivalently, that market demand satisfies the Weak Axiom of Revealed Preference. It is well known that more recent existence theorems do not need...
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This paper studies the possibility of nonlinear dynamics in a simple overlapping generations model with the environment - the John-Pecchenino (1994) model. We show that if people's concerns towards greener preferences and the maintenance efficiency relative to degradation are not sufficiently...
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I prove that the equilibrium set in a two-player game with complementarities, and totally ordered strategy spaces, is a sublattice of the joint strategy space. Copyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2003
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This note provides two necessary and sufficient conditions for the relative interior of the core (and the base polyhedron) to be non-empty: (i) the second largest excess of the prenucleolus is negative; (ii) the grand coalition's payoff is greater than the minimum no-blocking payoff. Such...
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By a cooperative game in coalitional structure or shortly coalitional game we mean the standard cooperative non-transferable utility game described by a set of payoffs for each coalition being a nonempty subset of the grand coalition of all players. It is well-known that balancedness is a...
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