Showing 1 - 10 of 11
We present a simple dynamic model to get some key insights about the substitution of renewable for nonrenewable resources in production and the consequences for sustainability. We highlight the role of the elasticity of substitution (technological component) to determine the adjustment of every...
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En este trabajo se presenta un análisis de la gestión de residuos sólidos urbanos desde una perspectiva económica. Se profundiza en los fallos de mercado que produce la generación y la gestión de los residuos y se discuten los principales instrumentos de política que se pueden utilizar...
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This article focuses on the technological aspect of recycling, its effect on the production set of the economy and the optimal use and substitution of natural resources in production. We provide a framework that enables us to compare the relevance of using renewable resources and recyclable...
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We study the optimal capacity of landfills taking into account their sequential nature. Such an optimal capacity is characterized by the so-called Optimal Capacity Condition. Particular versions of this condition are obtained for two alternative settings: first, if all the landfills are to have...
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In this paper we establish further connections between DEA and Multi-criteria Decision Analysis by suggesting a particular way to estimate preference weights for different objectives using DEA. We claim that the virtual multipliers obtained from a standard DEA model are not suitable to measure...
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The optimal capacity and location of a sequence of landfills are studied, and the interactions between both decisions are pointed out. Deciding the capacity of a landfill has some spatial implications, because it effects the feasible region for the rest of the landfills, and some temporal...
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We use a Computable General Equilibrium model to simulate the effects of an Environmental Tax Reform in a regional economy (Andalusia, Spain). The reform involves imposing a tax on CO2 or SO2 emissions and reducing either the Income Tax or the payroll tax of employers to Social Security, and...
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Since policy makers usually pursue several conflicting objectives, policy making can be understood as a multicriteria decision problem. Following the methodological proposal in André and Cardenete (2005), we use multiobjective programming in connection with a computable general equilibrium...
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We propose an alternative method of obtaining stylized facts on comovement, based on the cross-correlation function of the prewhitened time series, which only depends on the purely stochastic components of the series and the cross effects between them. This approach has the property of being...
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In this article we further develop the suggestion of obtaining stylized facts on comovement on the basis of prewhitened time series proposed in André, Pérez and Martín (2002). Firstly, we show some examples on the robustness of the method. Secondly, we test the relevance of such a proposal by...
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