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From a sample of Asian countries over the period 1999-2007, this paper investigates the link between bank competition and economic development. In general, although banking market power has a U-shaped relationship with economic growth, banking market power tends to improve economic growth....
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In this paper we explore the effects of corruption on financial sector performance for a sample of 38 developed and developing economies for the period 1995-2005. Using system-GMM technique our results demonstrate that corruption undermines the efficacy of a developed financial sector....
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This study is able to uncover long-run cointegration relationship for Singapore and South Korea, based on the Breitung (2001) rank test procedures. Breitung (2001) rank test can detect both linear and nonlinear cointegration relationships, added value to the literature with strong evidences of...
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Using data for the years 1972-2006, we calibrate the dynamic general equilibrium model of structural change by Kongsamut et al. (2001) to Turkey. We then predict the shares of output and employment for the agricultural, manufacturing, and services sectors along the balanced growth path for...
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We present results from quantitative exercises using the Lucas and Romer endogenous growth models, from which we calculate welfare losses from the distortions presented in the Romer model. Moreover, comparing the models to data, we show that an economy governed by the Romer model would attain a...
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A rapid export growth in East Asia was once identified as a source of the sustainable economic development that the region enjoyed. However, the current global recession has turned exports from an economic virtue to a vice. There is a growing awareness that a heavy reliance on exports has caused...
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This paper re-examines the pollution-income relationship using a random coefficients model to allow for greater cross-country heterogeneity. The existence of a common pollution-income relationship across countries is rejected and hence little support for the environmental Kuznets curve is found.
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Rapid economic growth in China has resulted in substantially improved household incomes. Diets have also changed, with a movement away from traditional foods and towards animal products and processed foods. Yet micronutrient deficiencies, particularly for calcium and vitamin A, are still...
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The joint liability literature claims that positive assortative matching, or risk homogeneity, is always the first best solution. We examine this claim in presence of group formation costs and find that the assertion is not always true.
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In order for Jamaica to transition from a Developing Country to a Developed Country it will be highly necessary to a Knowledge based society, the inability to seriously overcome this challenge will mean Jamaica will be in transition to a developed country for an infinite number of years.
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