Showing 1 - 10 of 142
This note studies optimal taxation of income in a growth model with endogenous fertility proposed by Barro and Becker(1989). It is found that the optimal tax rate on capital income converges to zero after one transition period, and the government should not tax labor income in period 1 and...
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The Theory offers an explation beteween the relationship of Real Estate and its cause and effect upon a free capitalist society's economics.
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This paper proposes a theoretical growth model where seigniorage can be used to finance productive public spending, and show the existence of nonlinear effects between seigniorage and economic growth. Empirical evidence based on panel regression techniques provides some support for these...
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The subsidiarity principle governing the collection of statistical data in the EMU may cause asymmetrical information. The national governments may be tempted to distort their economic and financial data communicated to ECB in order to influence its monetary policy decisions. We base our...
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According to Keynesian economics wisdom, government debt has an effect on the economy since consumers see government debt as net wealth. However, according to the debt neutrality hypothesis of Ricardo (1817), popularised by Barro (1974), such effects would be absent. This paper's results,...
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Using a theoretical model based on dynamic optimizing agents, we test empirically the Ricardian Equivalence Proposition (REP) for 26 OECD countries. The empirical specification allows us to obtain estimates of the structural parameters of the theoretical model and to test directly the hypothesis...
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The authors test Ricardian equivalence within an endogenous growth model for U.S. states, which have high rates of migration relative to most countries. Results are consistent with both Ricardian equivalence and endogenous growth, despite the relative ease of migration. Increases in productive...
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This paper provides new estimates of the effects of fiscal policies by using a non-linear structural VAR model. This methodology is applied to Belgium, France, Germany and Netherlands cases. Results show that reactions to a fiscal shock are different according to the regime that prevails and...
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In this paper, we study how deficit financing is affected by the introduction of habit formation in an otherwise standard Gale (JET, 1973) economy in which the government is a net lender and young agents are borrowing rather than saving. We find that the amount of deficit the government is able...
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In this paper we show how political uncertainty may impede economic growth by reducing public investment in the formation of human capital, and how this negative effect of political uncertainty can be offset by a government contract. We present a model of growth with accumulation of human...
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