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We propose a computationally efficient approximation for the double bootstrap bias adjustment factor without using the inner bootstrap loop. The approximation converges in probability to the population bias correction factor. We study the finite sample properties of the approximation in the...
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estimator using the gravity model of trade, we study the interaction between domestic and partner-country corruption and the …
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I calculate road travel times between the capitals of US states and Canadian provinces with Google Maps. With this measure of trade cost I estimate the US-Canada border effect for aggregate and industry-level trade flows in line with the method introduced by Anderson and van Wincoop (2003), as...
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The openness of the immigration policy toward developing countries is strongly debated in industrialized countries. In … this paper we build an indicator of the "revealed" migration policy openness by computing the difference between the … over the period from 1990 to 2006, allowing us to compare the restrictiveness / openness of policies between countries and …
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With the progress of globalization, the openness-output nexus has drawn more attention than ever before. Results in … positive and significant impact of openness on economic growth. The system GMM technique is used to overcome the shortcomings …
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The impact of trade openness on poverty has been in the limelight for a few decades now, since most developing … effects of trade openness on poverty. We find that poverty has a negative and significant relationship with total trade …
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The relationship between exports and the propensity to innovate is an important issue for a developing economy. This article is dedicated to this question through the analysis of the first innovation survey of Tunisian firms. In particular, it distinguishes the propensity to innovate among three...
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a negative and significant impact. However, the impact of openness was inconclusive. …
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This paper analyzes empirically the linkages between trade openness, economic growth, and the size of the informal … trade openness. Second, fluctuations of GDP growth are explained by the size of the informal economy, while the impact of …, the size of the informal economy affects GDP growth more than openness, and the causality from openness to GDP growth is …
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We uncover evidence of substantial heterogeneity in the growth experience of countries using a structural threshold regression methodology. Our findings suggest that studies that seek to promote mono-causal explanations in the institutions versus geography debate in growth are potentially misleading
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