Showing 1 - 10 of 53
We present an experimental game in the p-beauty framework. Building on the definitions of boundary and interior equilibria, we distinguish between ‘speed of convergence towards the game-theoretic equilibrium' and ‘deviations of the guesses from the game-theoretic equilibrium'. In contrast to...
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This note presents a model in which pension funds, by holding a significant share of capital assets, can exert a non competitive behavior on labor market. This leads to lower wages and higher capital returns, and can reduce capital accumulation and long-run welfare.
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This paper investigates the impact of habits on savings and steady state capital intensity. Within the framework of an OLG economy with productive capital, a rise in the strength of habits increases savings if the steady state is asymptotically stable. Consequently, the steady state capital...
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If the consumer's risk aversion behavior varies intertemporally and if the risk aversion coefficient on future consumption becomes very large, the consumer tends to aim at a fixed future consumption target. A by-product is a reinterpretation of subsistence theories of consumption.
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Intertemporal correlation aversion is an intuitive concept indicating whether an individual prefers lotteries concerning consumption at different moments in time to be positively or negatively correlated. I show that the difference between the coefficient of relative risk aversion and the...
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In this article, we analyse the interactions between financial and start-up decisions in an oligopolistic framework, where firms compete to enter a new market. We show that preemption can substantially reduce the negative effects of credit rationing on start-up investment decisions.
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This paper shows that any equilibrium allocation in the cake-eating problem with quasi-geometric discounting is not Pareto efficient. However, efficiency can be established by introducing a planner who controls the initial endowment and makes transfers over time. It is shown than any Pareto...
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This note studies the dynamics of labor markets in a putty-clay framework. It analyzes the evolution of job creation and job destruction in an economy without market frictions. Unemployment and labor market flows emerge under putty-clay technologies because low productive jobs become unused...
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Some recent contributions (Femminis, 2007 Nakamura, 2002) demonstrate the important roles of capital depreciation in the investment-uncertainty relationship. This paper highlights the role of symmetric adjustment costs in the case that capital depreciates completely after finite periods. Various...
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This note presents a model in which pension funds, by holding a significant share of capital assets, can exert a non competitive behavior on labor market. This leads to lower wages and higher capital returns, and can reduce capital accumulation and long-run welfare.
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