Showing 1 - 10 of 73
The transition of several East European countries from the socialist economic system to the capitalist one is studied. A microeconomic model for the personal income distribution and its evolution and a simple functional relationship between the rate of the per capita GDP growth and the attained...
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This empirical paper uses a GMM-System panel estimator to assess the vulnerability of inflation in the new EU Member States to country-specific and global factors over the period 1998 to 2007, including an assessment of the more recent 2002 to 2007 period. Using a large dataset of macroeconomic,...
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In this paper, we show a similar concept of stability of the adjustment process concerning the difference between the weighted average and the actual value. Because the adjustment process includes only one eigenvalue of zero, and thus one dimension of freedom, it is difficult to apply the...
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The transition of several East European countries from the socialist economic system to the capitalist one is studied. A microeconomic model for the personal income distribution and its evolution and a simple functional relationship between the rate of the per capita GDP growth and the attained...
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To empirically examine the impact of foreign direct investment and socio-cultural similarity on international trade between Russia and developed economies, we estimated a gravity model using panel data from Russia and 23 OECD member countries. To deal with the problem of Jensen's inequality, in...
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This paper analyses the extent of agricultural competition between EU-15 countries and CEECs during the period 1995–2005 in the light of future EU membership. Finger and Kreinin's index is computed with the BACI database provided by CEPII. The results indicate that Mediterranean countries...
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This paper investigates the link between external financing and product market competition by focusing on different maturity structures. Using firm-level data for Japanese manufacturing firms over the period 1990-1995, we find that long-term loans enable firms to compete aggressively at a level...
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In this paper, we analyze whether the total debt ratios and bank loan ratios of Chinese listed companies had any impact on their fixed investment in 2001-2006, and whether this impact, if it existed, differed among companies with differing investment opportunities. The analysis led to the...
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We show that the principal result of Aghion and Bolton (1992) related to the optimality properties of contingent control allocations under incomplete contracting environment holds only if an additional condition is satisfied.
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This paper investigates the role played by non-financial firms in Japanese corporate financing. We find that non-financial firms are an important source of credit for both small and large firms in Japan. We also document that adverse real and financial shocks have similar effects on small and...
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