Showing 1 - 10 of 36
We provide evidence showing that the degree of diversification of import sources of finely disaggregated commodities rises monotonically along the growth path. This result is robust to different measures of import diversification and the inclusion of a large set of additional control variables....
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Using a rich database on Italian manufacturing firms, we test the hypothesis that self-selection mechanisms differ from market to market. We observe significant ex ante productivity differences between firms starting to export to distinct geographical areas. Country characteristics such as size,...
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A panel data approach is used to investigate both the steady-state and the transitional impact of trade liberalisation on export performance within a sample of selected OECD countries. The results find trade policy to be a largely insignificant determinant of export performance. Domestic...
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We study the variation in ownership shares across affiliates of the same multinational firm. Using the micro-level data on foreign affiliates of South Korean multinationals, we construct a proxy for the headquarter intangible asset using transferred Korean workers from the parent to the...
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We propose a concept of structural similarity, incorporating three dimensions (sectoral weights, inter-sectoral similarity and intra-sectoral similarity), and suggest indicators that include all these dimensions.
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In this paper we present new evidence on the aggregate effect of the euro on trade using data for 26 OECD countries for the period 1967–2008. We strive to fill the gaps present in the previous literature through a second-generation panel cointegration tests and estimators that account for both...
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In this paper we provide estimates of the effects of international transport costs on firms’ exports and disentangle the channels of these effects. In so doing, we use a unique dataset consisting of highly disaggregated transaction-level trade and transport cost data and, in order to account...
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I investigate whether the ‘granular’ behaviour of aggregate outcomes suggested by Gabaix (2011) is present in country exports by product. Using data for 11 EU countries over the 1988–2011 period, the results show that the idiosyncratic shocks to the main products may have significant...
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Despite the onset of globalization, year-by-year cross-country regressions of the gravity model usually suggest that the impediment of geographical distance on bilateral trade is rising, and not declining, over time. This effect of distance is dubbed the distance puzzle. In this paper, we argue...
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Empirical findings from the gravity model using a bilateral data set of 23 OECD countries provide strong support for the network effect of FDI, migration, and the Internet on international trade. Further, the findings show differences in the network effect between the manufacturing and service...
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