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This paper introduces nowcasting causality as the mixed-frequency version of instantaneous causality. We analyze the relationship between nowcasting and Granger causality in a mixed-frequency VAR and illustrate its impact on the significance of high-frequency variables in mixed-frequency...
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We study the empirical behaviour of semi-parametric estimation for long-memory models when the true data generating process exhibits a change in persistence. Evidence for long memory is likely to be found. Procedures for discrimination between different models are proposed.
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Linearity testing against smooth transition autoregressive (STAR) models when deterministic trends are potentially present in the data is considered in this work. Our findings show, in contrast to results recently reported in Zhang (2012), that linearity tests against STAR models lead to useful...
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We examine the performance of nonlinear instrumental variable (NIV) unit root tests using various recursive detrending methods. We find that the NIV unit root tests using the recursive detrending method of Chang (2002) are the most powerful. They are more powerful than OLS based DF tests.
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In this paper we extend the FMLS-based CUSUM cointegration test (Xiao and Phillips, 2002) for testing the smooth time-varying cointegration null hypothesis. For this purpose we use Chebyshev time polynomials to specify time-varying coefficients under the null. We derive the limiting distribution...
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-centrality parameter leads to important empirical power gains compared to using the ordinary least squares (OLS-)detrending method when …
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In this paper we use the approximate bias expressions developed in Yu (2012) and Bao et al. (2013) to improve the testing of the ordinary least squares or quasi-maximum likelihood estimator of the mean reversion parameter in continuous time models. We follow the approach given in Iglesias and...
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In this paper we present new evidence on the aggregate effect of the euro on trade using data for 26 OECD countries for the period 1967–2008. We strive to fill the gaps present in the previous literature through a second-generation panel cointegration tests and estimators that account for both...
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regressors are highly persistent. The reduced convergence rates may sometimes lead to power losses in finite samples when testing … for no predictability, for instance. The note discusses a simple way of improving the local power of IVX-based tests … the power loss of IVX would have been maximal compared to the infeasible OLS-based test. …
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This article tests the linearity assumption underlying the popular heterogeneous autoregressive model for realized volatility (HAR-RV). We implement a consistent model specification test that is robust to both distributional and model misspecification. We find that, using a nonparametric HAR-RV...
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