Showing 1 - 10 of 130
We revisit the effect of trade openness on environmental quality by utilizing data on the air visibility of 134 … countries during 1961–2004. We find a significantly negative impact of trade openness on air quality, not only for developing …
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This paper assesses duration-specific treatment effects of fixed currency regimes on bilateral trade along a duration … path of up to 25 years. We find that country-pairs with fixed exchange rate regimes trade more, but only after about 8 …
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We examine learning-by-exporting effects of manufacturing and services firms in 19 sub-Saharan African countries. Comparing several outlier-robust estimators, our results provide evidence for positive effects in the manufacturing sector when using the MM estimator, but not in the services sector.
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In this paper, I empirically examine the non-monotonic relationship between openness and within-group wage inequality predicted by  Helpman et al. (2010) using a panel data for the US, 1983–2005. Within-group wage inequality is measured for each industry and matched with exports. It can be...
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-level trade and transport cost data and, in order to account for endogeneity, we exploit the exogenous variation in these costs … associated with the non-trade related closure of the main bridge connecting two countries. …
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In this paper we present new evidence on the aggregate effect of the euro on trade using data for 26 OECD countries for …
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We show that in a unit demand discrete choice framework with at least three goods, demand cannot be additively separable in own price. This result sharpens the analogous result of Jaffe and Weyl (2010) in the case of linear demand and has implications for testing of the discrete choice...
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Chaining is used in index number construction to update weights and link new items into an index. However, chained indexes can suffer from, sometimes substantial, drift. The Consumer Price Index Manual (ILO, 2004) recommends the use of dissimilarity indexes to determine when chaining is...
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Inequality indices for self-assessed health and life satisfaction are typically constructed as functions of the cumulative distribution function. We present a unified methodology for the estimation of the resulting inequality indices. We also obtain explicit standard error formulas in the...
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Diewert and Fox (2013) proposed decompositions of a Malmquist-type productivity index into explanatory factors, with a focus on extracting technical progress, technical efficiency change and returns to scale components. A major problem with their decompositions is that it may be difficult to...
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