Showing 61 - 70 of 201
In this paper, we consider both the partial unit root and the near partial unit root processes in nonlinear transition autoregression models. Our simulations show that when these time series data are used in ordinary least squares regression, spurious regression occurs. However, if we...
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In this paper, we study the Jarque–Bera (JB) and cusum tests for the normality of innovations and parameter change in BCTT-GARCH models. In order to demonstrate the validity of JB normality and cusum parameter change tests, we derive their limiting null distributions under mild conditions.
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We propose a multivariate test for forecast rationality under asymmetric loss functions and test jointly the rationality of inflation–output forecasts of the MMS survey for the US. Our results indicate that even though the rationality of the forecasts individually may be rejected under two...
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-layer bootstrap procedure. …
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We find strong evidence that US common stocks have been a hedge against inflation in the long run, from the early 1950s. Adopting a two-regime threshold vector error-correction model, we find that the stock price and the goods price are co-integrated with unit elasticity, with stock return and...
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We propose a test of bivariate stochastic dominance within a generalized framework for testing inequality restrictions, utilizing the covariance structure of the estimates of the joint distribution functions. Monte Carlo simulations and an empirical example assess its usefulness.
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In this note, we argue that tests of overidentifying restrictions give little information on the validity of the moment conditions implied by the underlying economic model, and therefore are mute about the possibility of identifying the parameters of interest.
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Standard tests are generally not applicable in panel data models with selection. The paper shows how the Hausman specification test and the Sargan–Hansen test for overidentifying restrictions can be generalized to panel data models with unobserved heterogeneity and sample selection.
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We extend Hansen’s (2005) test to testing hypotheses involving general inequality constraints where the variance …
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A Wald type test of the joint null hypothesis of linearity and nonstationarity within a threshold autoregressive process of order one with deterministic components is developed. Its limiting distribution is derived and its local power and finite sample properties investigated.
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