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This paper examines the influence of fossil fuel prices on carbon dioxide emissions, economic activity, and the public sector account in Portugal. It uses a dynamic general equilibrium model which highlights the mechanisms of endogenous growth and includes a detailed modeling of the public...
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This paper investigates the dynamic consequences of demographic change and various pension reform scenarios for Austria. The analysis is based on a computable overlapping-generations model with life-cycle labor supply, savings, and search unemployment. The public sector is decomposed into...
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It has been believed that a social security system (SSS) is harmful to economic growth. However, it has been recognized recently that a SSS can encourage economic growth if the engine of the growth is human-capital accumulation. This paper uses an analytical model à la Uzawa/Lucas to examine...
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We develop a geographic growth model where nominal wages are allowed to diverge between the two considered countries. Removing the standard assumption entailing that both countries always own a traditional sector, we argue that, as trade gets freer, the traditional sector of one country might...
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This paper analyses a model of overlapping generations in which agents who are not in the labor market are unable to borrow. An increase in a fully funded pension raises aggregate savings since private savings are not crowded out one-for-one. Labor force participation is determined endogenously,...
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This paper presents and analyzes an endogenous growth model with public capital and progressive taxation. Two versions are considered: The first version assumes that the budget of the government is balanced at each point of time. The second allows for public debt but asserts that the ratio of...
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This article compares an ACE system with a CBIT system in an open economy. Using a real-option approach, we show that, if a firm can decide when to invest, a trade-off is found. According to traditional wisdom, a high-income firm investing in an ACE system faces a heavier tax burden at each...
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We analyze the influence of tax progression on optimal investment policy and its value. We show that three possible optimal regimes arise, depending on thenature of the tax policy. If the exogenously given progression threshold lies between the optimal capital stocks in the case of higher and...
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In a noncompetitive environment, a tax increase leads to a higher fraction of sales smuggled under pure ad valorem taxation, but the effect is ambiguous under a purely specific tax. Under a mixed tax regime, a tax rise increases the fraction of sales smuggled when the balance of the two types of...
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The aim of the present paper is to determine whether differences in automotive fuel prices among neighboring Autonomous Communities (i.e. Spanish political-administrative regions) affect the decisions taken by individuals regarding the region in which to purchase fuel. In particular, the...
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