Showing 1 - 10 of 23
The proliferation of articles in the press, the media, and on the Internet demonstrate a real interest in the Web 2.0 phenomenon. The concept can be seen as a new step in the development of the Internet network as evidenced by its “2.0” label, in opposition to Web 1.0. All the same, it is...
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Based on a literature review, this article draws a conceptual framework about the different uses of IT to control networks of firms. Four ways of using IT are discussed and compared. Rather than opposing one another, they are usually part of a pool of control mechanisms with which they interact...
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This paper presents the results of a longitudinal exploratory survey based on a sample of French firms. Different contexts of Intranet, as well as introduction, development stages, performance and Intranet content are presented. Three approaches are in existence: corporate Intranet, specialized...
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Reaching a competitive advantage in banking industry requires the establishment of relationship quality. Nevertheless, the majority of business relationships models are static and do not predict the potential impact of one parameter’s evolution in a given relationship. At the same time,...
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As information and communication technology is being integrated in work-related practices, questions arise about how it is molding not only work but also social and human interactions inside organizations.
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Les ERP sont désormais des outils de normalisation, de standardisation des processus de gestion. Ils proposent des fonctionnalités riches, fondées sur les meilleures pratiques. Cet article propose d'étudier les effets d'une telle « normalisation » sur les Organisations en se référant aux...
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The evolution of information and communications technologies (ICT) and their integration within logistical provider services have brought costs cuts and led to a better communication between these providers and theirs customers within a supply chain. ICTs have also had great consequences on the...
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Le réseau représente une forme d’organisation qui suppose la double représentation par des flux d’informations parallèles à des flux de relations (Pesqueux, 2002). Les réseaux d’entreprises, en particulier, sont caractérisés par l’utilisation de systèmes d’information...
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