Showing 1 - 10 of 94
We consider the problem of optimal risk sharing of some given total risk between two economic agents characterized by law-invariant monetary utility functions or equivalently, law-invariant risk measures. We first prove existence of an optimal risk sharing allocation which is in addition...
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Here, we study the case where the portfolio rebalancement involves the payment of taxes on benefits. Then, the purchasing time of the asset to be sold has to be recorded in order to compute the amount of tax to be paid. In addition to the no-short-selling constraint, our model assumes that sales...
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We define a coherent risk measures as set-valued maps satisfying some axioms. We show that this definition is a convenient extension of the real-valued risk measures introduced by Artzner, Delbaen, Eber and Heath (1998). We then discuss the aggregation issue, i.e. the passage from valued random...
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We study the deterministic control problem of maximizing utility from consumption of an agent who seeks to optimally allocate his wealth between consumption and investment in a financial asset subject to taxes on benefits with first-in–first-out priority rule on sales. Short sales are...
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S. Kusuoka [K 01, Theorem 4] gave an interesting dual characterizationof law invariant coherent risk measures, satisfying the Fatou property.The latter property was introduced by F. Delbaen [D 02]. In thepresent note we extend Kusuoka's characterization in two directions, thefirst one being...
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An agent's optimization problem of the expected terminal wealth utility in a trinomial tree economy is solved. At each transaction date, the agent can trade in a riskless asset, a primitive asset subject to constant proportional transaction costs, and a contingent claim characterized by some...
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We consider a problem of derivatives design under asymmetry of information: the principal sells a contingent claim to an agent, the type of whom he does not know. More precisely, the principal designs a contingent claim and prices it for each possible agent type, in such a way that each agent...
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We propose a generic framework for the analysis of Monte Carlo simulation schemes of backward SDEs. The general results are used to re-visit the convergence of the algorithm suggested by Bouchard and Touzi (2004) [6]. By keeping the higher order terms in the expansion of the Skorohod integrals...
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We consider a multi-asset continuous-time model of a financial market with transaction costs and prove that, for a strongly risk-averse investor, the reservation price of a contingent claim approaches the super-replication price increased by the liquidation value of the initial endowment.
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Given a multi-dimensional Markov diffusion X, the Malliavin integration by parts formula provides a family of representations of the conditional expectation E[g(X 2)|X1]. The different representations are determined by some localizing functions. We discuss the problem of variance reduction...
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