Showing 1 - 10 of 148
and subject to economies of scale. Concentration created a European oligopoly. The analysis of this consolidation cannot …
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This article assesses the cross-market linkages between commodities, stocks and bonds in a cointegration framework during 1993–2011
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This article investigates volatility spillovers in commodity markets by following the methodology pioneered in Diebold and Yilmaz (2012). By using a broad data set during 1995–2012, we address three key research questions: are there volatility spillovers within commodities? between standard...
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This article investigates momentum strategies in commodity markets. Using a Markov-switching model and formal tests for the number of regimes in the data, we identify momentum trends for a variety of commodities, exchange rates, interest rates and equities. The data cover the period 1995–2012...
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We examine the impact, on commodity derivative markets, of two financial crises: the Subprime crisis and the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers. These crises are "external" for commodity markets: they appeared in the financial sphere. Still, because now commodity markets are highly integrated,...
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In many practical contexts where a number of agents have to find a common decision, the votes do not come all together at the same time. In such situations, we may want to preprocess the information given by the subelectorate (consisting of the voters who have expressed their votes) so as to...
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Voting on multiple related issues is an important and difficult problem. The key difficulty is that the number of alternatives is exponential in the number of issues, and hence it is infeasible for the agents to rank all the alternatives. A simple approach is to vote on the issues one at a...
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The paper provides an introduction to exterior differential calculus, and an application to the standard problem of the characterization of aggregate demand in an economy in which the number of agents is smaller than the number of goods.
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This paper exhibits a duality between the theory of revealed preference of Afriat and the housing allocation problem of Shapley and Scarf. In particular, it is shown that Afriat’s theorem can be interpreted as a second welfare theorem in the housing problem. Using this duality, the revealed...
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Different kinds of asymmetries between players can occur in core allocations, in that case the stability of the concept is questioned. One remedy consists in selecting robust core allocations. We review, in this note, results that all select core allocations in NTU games with different concepts...
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