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This article assesses monetary policy’s performances in the Euro zone in the face of supply shocks. We determine the responses of output, inflation, labor share and the nominal interest rate to a supply shock as identified through a structural var model. We then develop a dsge model with...
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Would the U.S. economy's dynamic response to permanent technology shocks have been different from the actual responses if monetary authorities' systematic response to these shocks had been optimal ? To answer this question, we characterize the dynamic effects of permanent technology shocks and...
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The recent observed decline of business cycle variability suggests that broad macroeconomic risk may have fallen as well. This may in turn have some impact on equity risk premia. We investigate the latent structures in the volatilities of the business cycle and stock market valuations by...
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We propose an augmented version of the RBC model that can take into account the existence of lags in observation of demand shocks. This hypothesis seems to be a good framework to account for inventories fluctuations. We find some evidence showing the introduction of lag in observation as well as...
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The aim of this paper is the identification of structural shocks which affect the dynamics of sectoral inventories, through an analysis of the forecasting error variance decomposition. This identification is achieved using the American and French time series of aggregate production, sectoral...
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We show that adjustment cost models with labor supply can explain both asset returns and business cycle facts when adjustment costs penalize the changes of investment. This conclusion stands in contrast to results obtained in the literature with adjustment costs that penalize the changes of capital.
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In 2007 the General Statistics Office (GSO) launched a joint research program with the French Institute of Research for Development (IRD) to measure and analyzes the informal sector in Vietnam. Two kinds of surveys were conducted in 2007: a national Labour Force Survey (LFS) which, in a first...
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This paper analyses the e¤ects of money shocks on macroeconomic aggregates within a flexible price, incomplete markets environment that generates persistent wealth inequalities amongst agents. In this framework, unexpected money shocks redistribute wealth from the cash-rich employed to the...
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Vietnam is one of the only South East Asian emerging economies not to have gone into recession in 2009 in the wake of the world crisis. Nonetheless, it has been affected deeply by the crisis, as shown by all macro-economic indicators. The yearly growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has...
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This paper analyses the effects of money shocks on macroeconomic aggregates in a tractable flexible-price, incomplete-markets environment that generates persistent wealth inequalities amongst agents. In this framework, current inflation redistribute wealth from the cash-rich employed to the...
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