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This paper analyses the private equity fund compensation. We build a model to estimate the expected revenue of fund managers as a function of their investor contracts. We tried to evaluate the present value of the carried interest, which is one of the most common profit sharing arrangements...
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We examine how ownership concentration and the separation of ownership and control affect market liquidity in France. We find that firms with a large insider blockholder exhibit significantly lower liquidity. Different methods of concentrating control affect liquidity in different ways. Pyramid...
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We examine how ownership concentration and the separation of ownership and control affect secondary-market liquidity in France. We find that firms with a large insider blockholder exhibit significantly lower liquidity. However, different methods of enhancing control affect liquidity in different...
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Are mergers and acquisitions significant events that develop informativeness? Is the informativeness process the same in different countries? Looking only at cumulative abnormal returns (CARs) is insufficient and the results are sometimes contradictory. To answer to these questions we use the...
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The article discusses financial market liquidity and its applications to the stock market. It says market liquidity has a time attribute in which investors needs the shortest possible trade time to prevent price reversal risk, has volume in which there must be enough bids to satisfy the needs of...
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The theory of existence of equilibrium with short-selling is reconsidered under risk and ambiguity modelled by risk averse variational preferences. A sufficient condition for existence of efficient allocations is that the relative interiors of the risk adjusted sets of expectations overlap. This...
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Quasiment inexistant au début des années 2000, le trading algorithmique représente 72 % des échanges sur actions aux États-Unis, 35 % en Europe, et continue son expansion vers d’autres marchés. Alors que ses promoteurs et ses détracteurs font valoir leurs arguments, les régulateurs et...
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This paper investigates the relationship between trading volume and price volatility in the crude oil and natural gas futures markets when using high-frequency data. By regressing various realized volatility measures (with/without jumps) on trading volume and trading frequency, our results...
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The Bachelier Society for Mathematical Finance, founded in 1996, held its 1st World Congress in Paris on June 28 to July 1, 2000, thus coinciding in time with the centenary of the thesis defence of Louis Bachelier. In his thesis Bachelier introduced Brownian motion as a tool for the analysis of...
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